A) Coronal (top) and sagittal (bottom) schematics showing the range of recording locations (shaded boxes) in dorsal and ventral striatum. All photometry recording sites were performed within these regions. (
B) Representative coronal section from CHAT-cre mouse with cre dependent GCaMP6f expression (green) and immunohistochemical labelling for choline acetyltransferase (purple). The yellow lines indicate the path of the optical fiber for photometry recordings. (
C) Zoom-in of the regions indicated by the dashed white boxes in B showing restriction of GCaMP6f expression (green) to ChAT positive cholinergic interneurons (purple). (
D) Summary of the percent of GCaMP6f expressing neurons with confirmed co-expression of ChAT from three mice (n = 100, 69, and 50 cells in each respective mouse in dorsal striatum and n = 68, 33, and 46 neurons in ventral striatum). (
E) Mean DF/F (top) and velocity (bottom) aligned on the onset of all micro-movement onsets falling below the threshold for movement onsets in
Figure 1. (n = 795 onsets, 19 mice). (
F) Mean DF/F (top), velocity (mid) and acceleration (bottom) aligned on the zero crossing of accelerations occurring below the 25th percentile of velocities (‘reset’, black) and above the 75th percentile (‘continuous’, grey). (
G) Mean DF/F aligned on the onset of all clean movement onsets from rest in mice that had never received rewards on the treadmill (compare with
Figure 1C; n = 614 onsets, nine mice). (
H) Mean transient DF/F for each recording during rest or movement periods (n = 35 sessions, nine mice) in mice that never received rewards on the treadmill. **p<1×10–15 Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test. Shaded regions represent ±SEM.