Staab 2002.
Methods | Design: parallel group design Unit of randomisation: the child Unit of analysis: the child‐parent dyad | |
Participants | Setting: secondary‐care evening sessions
Diagnostic criteria: yes (Hanifin 1980)
Age range: 5 months to 12 years
Disease severity: Participants had moderate to severe symptoms (SCORAD scale > 20 points)
Inclusion criteria of the trial
Participants randomised: 204 in total = 93 (intervention) and 111 (control) Mean age: child 2.7 yrs (treatment group) and child 3.4 yrs (control group) Sex: not stated Duration of condition: 2.1 yrs (intervention group) and 2.4 yrs (control group) Severity of condition: SCORAD 44 SD +/‐ 17 (intervention group) and 42 SD +/‐ 15 (control group) Withdrawals Number of: not stated Reason for: not stated Number lost to follow up: 21 (control) and 38 (intervention) ITT analysis: not stated |
Interventions | Intervention Nature: parental educational training program Format: group sessions with presentations from various experts Theoretical basis: Frequency: once a week and for 2 hours in an evening session Duration: 6 weeks | |
Outcomes | Primary outcomes: 1. Disease severity (SCORAD ‐ NB: does not distinguish between objective and subjective scores) 2. Disease‐specific (atopic eczema) parental QoL (untitled) 3. Generic parental QoL (Daily Life Questionnaire) 4. Coping strategies (Trier Scales of Coping) Secondary outcomes: 1. Questionnaire (unspecified), 2 key items: (1) treatment behaviour ‐ regularity of use of skin medication (topical steroids) and help seeking from unconventional treatments (indoor allergy reduction) (and initiated dietary restrictions); (2) direct cost of treatment ‐ calculated costs for previous 6 months and after 1 year |
Notes | Group comparability at baseline: yes
Conventional topical treatment
Allocation concealment: The families in this study were randomly assigned to education or waiting control group. We did not stratify for age or severity. They were enrolled in the randomisation program in the computer by the time of their first evaluation visit. After this visit, they were told in what group they had been allocated Funding source: German Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology (no. 01EG9523) |
Risk of bias | ||
Bias | Authors' judgement | Support for judgement |
Random sequence generation (selection bias) | Unclear risk | The process was not explained |
Allocation concealment (selection bias) | Unclear risk | The process was not explained |
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) All outcomes | High risk | Blinding was not possible as most outcome measures were obtained from questionnaires completed by the families who were aware of the group to which they were assigned |
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) All outcomes | High risk | 77% of the intervention group and 66% of the control group were followed up |
Selective reporting (reporting bias) | Low risk | The publication reported findings on all outcomes listed in the Methods section |
Other bias | Low risk | Results were reported for all outcomes listed in the Methods section, so there was low risk of selective outcome reporting bias |