1. Glossary of terms.
Term | Definition |
Alopecia | Loss of hair from head or body |
Anagen hair | Active, growing hair |
Anagen phase | Active growth phase of hair follicles (2 to 7 years) |
Catagen phase | Involution phase of the hair follicle |
Ferritin | Iron‐containing proteins that are widely distributed in animals, plants, and micro‐organisms. Their major function is to store iron in a non‐toxic bioavailable form |
Follicular miniaturisation | The follicles produce hair that is thinner and thinner, until they either stop producing hair or produce hair that is so fine it is barely noticeable |
Hepatotoxic | Chemical‐driven liver damage |
Hyperandrogenism | Condition characterised by excessive production/secretion of androgens |
Hypertrichosis | Excessive (terminal and vellus) hair in non‐androgen dependent body sites; varies in people with different ethnic background without any pathological findings |
Hirsutism | Excessive hairiness on women in those parts of the body where terminal hair does not normally occur or is minimal ‐ for example, beard or chest hair |
Ludwig scale | Classification of female pattern hair loss (FPHL) stages I to III (minimal, moderate, intense) (Ludwig 1977) |
5‐alpha‐reductase | An enzyme that converts testosterone, the male sex hormone, into the more potent hormone, dihydrotestosterone |
Sinclair scale | 5‐point scale (1 = normal, 5 = advanced hair loss) used to assess FPHL (Dinh 2007) |
Telogen hair | Dormant, inactive hair |
Telogen phase | Resting phase of the hair follicle (3 months) |
Telogen effluvium | Massive hair loss resulting from the early entry of hairs into the telogen phase |
Terminal hair | Thicker, longer, and pigmented hair |
Tincture¹ | An alcoholic extract of a drug derived from a plant |
Vasodilation¹ | Widening of the blood vessels |
Vellus hair | Short, fine, light‐coloured, and barely noticeable hair that develops on most of a person's body from childhood |
Abbreviations: FPHL: female pattern hair loss. ¹Definition taken from: Martin 1998