Table 1.
Patient ID | Sex | V cranial nerve involvement | Status | Tumor size | Ring enhancement | Treatment | Histological diagnosis | Age at diagnosis | Progression | Time to progression | Dissemination at follow up | Overall survival |
8 | F | Yes | DOD | 2,035 | No | B | Low grade astrocytoma, H3K27 wild type | 104 | Yes | 7 | Yes | 32 |
15 | M | No | DOD | 1,564 | No | B | Diffuse midline glioma, H3K27 mutant | 79 | Yes | 9 | No | 27 |
16 | M | No | AWD | 2,070 | Yes | B | Pilocytic astrocytoma | 24 | Yes | 63 | No | 68 |
24 | M | No | AWD | 2,296 | No | A | Not available | 45 | No | 183 | No | 183 |
26 | F | No | DOD | 1,692 | No | B | Diffuse midline glioma, H3K27 mutant | 46 | Yes | 13 | No | 25 |
28 | M | No | DOD | 1,800 | No | A | Not available | 42 | Yes | 6 | No | 31 |
ID, patient number; sex, male (M) or female (F); V cranial nerve involvement, direct V cranial nerve involvement at diagnosis present (yes) or absent (no); Status, patient outcome including alive with disease (AWD), dead of disease (DOD) or lost at follow-up (LAF); Tumor size, tumor size expressed in mm2; Ring enhancement, ring enhancement present (yes) or absent (no) at diagnosis; Treatment, patient first line of treatment with radiotherapy and Temozolomide (A) or with radiotherapy, Nimotuzumab and Vinorelbine (B); Histological diagnosis, available histological diagnosis, according to the WHO 2016 classification; Age at diagnosis, age at diagnosis expressed in months; Progression, the presence (yes) or absence (no) of clinical and/or radiological signs of disease progression; Time to progression, the length of time from the date of diagnosis of DIPG until the radiological and/or clinical progression of the disease, expressed in months; Dissemination at follow-up, distant localization of the tumor present (yes) or absent (no) on the follow-up scans; Overall survival, overall survival expressed in months.