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. 2019 Mar 13;6(3):181908. doi: 10.1098/rsos.181908

Table 1.

Talairach coordinates of the activations for the four tasks versus fixation. The results are FDR corrected p < 0.05. After each anatomical name is the Brodmann area (BA) for that region in parentheses. The columns labelled as x, y and z contain the Talairach coordinates for the peak of each cluster reaching significance. The t-value is the maximal value for that cluster. In order to keep the table a manageable size, only activations of t > 6 are shown. ATPC, anterior temporopolar cortex; dmPFC, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; TPJ, temporoparietal junction; SMA, supplementary motor area; STG, superior temporal gyrus.

x y z t x y z t x y z t x y z t
left hemisphere
frontal lobe
SMA (BA 6) −6 −1 61 12.5 −6 −1 64 11.3 −3 −4 64 11.1 −6 −1 58 10.5
−3 −10 67 10.0 −6 −10 67 8.4 −3 −10 67 9.2
superior frontal gyrus (BA 6) −12 20 58 7.3
cingulate gyrus (BA 32) −6 5 46 9.7 −9 8 43 12.1 −9 5 43 10.2
inferior frontal gyrus (BA 44) −45 5 13 7.0 −54 8 16 7.8 −45 5 13 8.3
−57 17 13 8.8 −57 8 16 7.9
inferior frontal gyrus (BA 45) −57 14 22 8.6
dmPFC (BA 8) −12 44 46 8.3
middle frontal gyrus (BA 6) −39 2 61 7.0
temporal lobe
ATPC (BA 21/38) −42 2 −35 8.3 −48 −1 −35 9.0 −48 −1 −35 7.5
−48 17 −23 7.6 −51 8 −11 7.7
TPJ (BA 39) −48 −64 22 7.7
middle temporal gyrus (BA 21) −60 −37 1 7.5 −54 −43 1 7.2 −54 −37 4 6.9 −51 −43 4 8.2
anterior STG (BA 22) −54 −1 −5 7.4
occipital lobe
lingual gyrus (BA 18) −12 −79 −2 7.6 −3 −82 −5 11.8
putamen −27 −1 4 15.4 −21 2 10 11.3 −21 −4 4 9.0
substantia nigra −9 −19 −8 8.6 −15 −22 −8 10.0
thalamus −15 −16 7 7.0 −12 −16 10 8.4
globus pallidus −18 −7 −2 8.5 −18 −10 4 7.0
caudate nucleus −18 −16 25 10.0
−18 8 16 9.9
lobule VI −36 −73 −23 7.3
lobule V −12 −58 −20 7.2
lobule IV 0 −49 −8 7.5
right hemisphere
frontal lobe
SMA (BA 6) 6 −4 61 9.2
insula (BA 13) 39 20 4 7.5
temporal lobe
anterior STG (BA 38) 54 2 −8 7.3 48 5 −11 7.0 51 2 −8 8.2
occipital lobe
lingual gyrus (BA 18) 3 −79 −8 8.9 9 −79 −8 7.9 9 −79 −2 9.1 9 −76 −2 8.2
caudate nucleus 15 2 19 16.0 18 2 19 9.9 15 11 13 10.1
putamen 18 5 10 11.0 18 −4 4 7.1 15 −4 4 9.6
lobule VI 30 −52 −29 10.5 30 −55 −26 7.4 39 −55 −32 7.7 18 −67 −26 9.3
lobule V 12 −58 −20 10.2
crus I 27 −79 −29 8.3 27 −73 −32 8.1 30 −73 −29 7.3