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. 2019 Mar 13;6(3):181908. doi: 10.1098/rsos.181908

Table 3.

Talairach coordinates of the deactivations for the five high-level contrasts. The contrasts were thresholded with cluster-level correction for multiple comparisons to control for the rate of false positives. An initial cluster-forming threshold of p < 0.05 uncorrected was applied, followed by a Monte Carlo simulation using the AlphaSim algorithm in Brain Voyager, which selected a cluster-size threshold for each high-level contrast that maintained a family-wise error rate of p < 0.05. The obtained k-value (in voxels) was 100 for Fic1P versus 1P, 82 for 3P versus 1P, 90 for Fic1P versus 3P, 93 for accent versus 1P and 95 for Fic1P versus accent. After each anatomical name is the Brodmann area (BA) for that region in parentheses. The columns labelled as x, y and z contain the Talairach coordinates for the peak of each cluster reaching significance. The t-value is the maximal value for that cluster. In order to keep the table a manageable size, only deactivations of t<−3 are shown. ATPC, anterior temporopolar cortex; dmPFC-d, dorsal part of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; dmPFC-v, ventral part of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; IFG-PO, inferior frontal gyrus pars orbitalis; MOG, middle occipital gyrus; PHG, parahippocampal gyrus; SFG-ant, anterior part of the superior frontal gyrus; SFG-post, posterior part of the superior frontal gyrus; SMA, supplementary motor area; STG, superior temporal gyrus; vmPFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex.

Fic1P > 1P
3P > 1P
Fic1P > 3P
accent > 1P
Fic1p > accent
x y z t x y z t x y z t x y z t x y z t
SFG-post (BA 6) 9 8 58 −4.6 −15 5 55 −6.1
−12 8 61 −3.6
SFG-ant (BA 6) −12 29 55 −4.2 −15 29 58 −4.0
15 26 61 −4.4 −12 20 61 −3.1
dmPFC-d (BA 8) −12 50 46 −4.1 −9 41 46 −4.5 15 44 55 −4.3
−21 44 49 −3.0 18 35 49 −4.2
dmPFC-v (BA 8/9) −3 38 37 −4.4
−21 41 34 −4.1 −18 44 34 −4.6
12 32 37 −3.8 −30 38 31 −3.7
9 50 34 −3.5 0 56 37 −3.0 0 50 34 −3.9
vmPFC-d (BA 9) −6 50 28 −5.5 −12 20 28 −3.5 −6 50 28 −3.5 −18 47 25 −3.6 −15 38 28 −4.8
3 53 19 −5.4 12 23 25 −3.7
−3 44 19 −5.3
vmPFC-v (BA 10) −12 47 10 −3.3 −9 50 10 −4.1 6 56 10 −4.2
SMA (BA 6) 0 −7 61 −4.9
insula −36 −7 −2 −3.5
STG (BA 22) −45 −28 1 −4.4
IFG-PO (BA 47) −30 41 −8 −4.5
−39 23 −8 −4.1
PHG (BA 36) −27 −37 −8 −3.2
ATPC (BA 38) −45 14 −35 −3.1
MOG (BA 19) 33 −79 13 −3.6
−18 −79 13 −3.6
MOG (BA 18) −33 −88 1 −5.0
caudate nucleus 6 2 19 −5.1 −21 −4 16 −5.3
−12 8 13 −4.2 −18 5 10 −4.4
putamen 15 8 7 −5.3
cerebellum (crus I) 27 −79 −29 −5.1