Figure 13.
Plasmon resonances and plexcitons in patterned aligned SWCNTs. (a) Schematic diagram of plasmon resonances in patterned aligned SWCNTs. An SEM image shows a fabricated device. (b) Attenuation spectra for strips of aligned SWCNTs with different L. The peak energy is νp. (c) Attenuation spectra for strips of aligned SWCNTs with different doping levels. (d) The extinction spectra of patterned films of highly doped aligned SWCNTs (top) and annealed aligned SWCNTs (bottom). (e) Resonance energies as a function of wavevector q, which is defined as π/L. The solid line is a fit to (orange lines). Peak energies of the plexcitons, showing an anticrossing (blue lines). Adapted from Ref. [71] and Ref. [69].