Table 2.
Quotations: preferences for intervention content.
Preferences for intervention content |
Intervention topics And maybe teaching us how the causes of diabetic how does unhealthy food harm us maybe target that as well. Healthy eating, like they must teach us how to plant food that we can take from the yard and then we cook them, healthy food. I also want to know how other people deal with certain things. Because I feel like as people like you can never be too young or too old to make the next person learn something from you. So, I just want to know how people deal with things. So, in you telling me your problem and how you dealt with it it's you advising me in a way. I just take points from what you are saying. …you get that fear, that you don't know how you're going to prevent, when you get there there's no one to assist you, to tell you the different types of prevention [contraception], when you get there the nurses look at you, they don't tell you, so you know about prevention, they don't tell you, you want pills, they give you. They don't tell you about alternatives and what they do, the education behind prevention is not there. …how to overcome peer pressure as young women. I think that is the most important thing that is affecting us. To be quite honest I think mental issue for me personally mental issues should take first priority. Because it's then your mind, it's your mind set. Because if you are feeling lonely you go and eat, if you are feeling down you go smoke, if you are feeling what you go drink. So, I don't know if our mental capacity comes first and we fix that first then everything else around us will follow. I feel like in terms of emotional health depression is the most important one. I feel like black parents are not all there for their children for emotional issues. They are there physically and stuff but in terms of emotional health they are never there to support their children. Because they don't take these things seriously. Intervention materials and activities Like have a journal that you keep everything maybe have a health journal with health diets and all that, then have a personal journal where it's other experiences maybe mental whatever…It should be interesting, it shouldn't be a bore. I don't want to get bored if I'm going to do something. It should be fun that I enjoy doing it. Like personally I like writing and reading. So, personally it's better for me to write and read other than to practically do something. I'd prefer a book, because other times I don't notice my phone, or maybe I get a message and I don't look at it at the time but with a book I know, that, it's a sure thing, I'll look at it. With regards to a book I don't think it should have copy most young people don't like to read especially if it's a book…they lose interest. If it's a PDF document on your phone, you know because we like our phones. In the phone it's much more simpler than a hard copy. I think young women have a problem, well not women only, but young people have a problem of forgetting easy. So, if maybe I only participate with something on the weekends and I don't have something to do at home about it, I can easily forget about it…so it would be nice to have something to do at home you know, to keep in touch. I once had one [a journal] and people were reading each and everything that you write…I would sometimes write how I feel about a person that I saw, I guy that I saw…and people read it and say “ha?!” So, yes, it's no longer safe. |