1 |
Please tell me how you have cared for your relative since he/she left hospital? |
Providing for physical and/or emotional needs; speaking up for him/her; changes in caregiving role from before the admission? |
2 |
What sorts of things help to support you to provide this care? |
Information; equipment; contact with GP, practice nurse, hospital staff; community services (which ones?); social support through friends clubs, church; care plans; how accessed – organised by hospital or other, or did you have to seek out yourself |
3 |
Is there anything that makes it harder to keep caregiving? |
Physical load, isolation, fatigue; other? |
4 |
Overall, how does being a caregiver make you feel? |
5 |
Please tell me about your contact with the FECH nurse? |
Convenience, easy or hard to talk to; enough contact; appropriateness of telephone? |
6 |
And how did you find the resources suggested by the FECH nurse? |
Did you access these? If so, how helpful were they? And why? If not, why not? |