Table 1.
Paper | Study (country) | Characteristics: n, mean (SD) age, sex | Outcome | Sample; platform | Clock* | DNAmAge associations [correlation with chronological age] |
Adj. |
[65] | Study of semi-super centenarians (SSC), from three cities. Case-control (Italy) |
75 SSC, 106 (NS), 79% ♀; 63 SSC offspring, 72 (NS), 40% ♀; 46 controls, 70 (NS), 80% ♀ |
Longevity | PBMCs; 450 K | AAH IEAAH EEAA | ↓ 5.1 years SSC offspring vs. controls (p = 0.0004, significant AAH and IEAAH). EEAA NS. ↓ 8.6 years SSC vs. their age (β 6.58, p = 0.03) but NS vs. offspring [EAH assumed, r = 0.89] |
Age, sex, cell % |
[73] | Case-control YFS (25 years FU) V90+ (4 years FU) (Finland) |
YFS: 49, 15 (NS), 59.2% ♀; 44, 18 (NS), 68.2% ♀; 55, 21 (NS), 56.4% ♀; 35, 24 (NS), 60.0% ♀. V90+: 122, 90 (NS), 73% ♀; 21 CT, aged 19–29, 66% ♀ |
Ageing | Blood (BL/FU); 450 K | EAH | YFS: ∆ EAH over 25 years relatively stable (r = 0.54, p < 0.001); V90+: ↑∆ EAH over 4 years in younger versus older individuals (7 vs. 4 years, p = 0.02). [r = 0.59–0.79, depending on sex and cohort] |
Age, sex |
[71] | Cohort Study SCS, OATS, BSGS (Australia) |
275 Total, aged 34 to 103. SCS: 23, 97.9 (1.9), 47.8% ♀; OATS: 113, 70.4 (5.5), 61.9% ♀; BSGS: 139, 46.6 (5.6), 52.5% ♀ |
Ageing | Blood; 450 K | All | No correlation between DNAmAge separate studies SCS: ↓ AAHa but ↑ AAH compared to OATS and BSGS. No sig. between cohorts on IEAAH, IEAAHa and EEAA . [EAH r = 0.93, EAHa r = 0.96] |
None |
[66] | Case-control CRELES (Costa Rica) |
Case-control sub-sample: 48 Nicoya, age 83 (14), 57% ♀; 47 non-Nicoya, age 85 (16), 55% ♀ |
Longevity | Whole blood; 450 K | EAH EAHa | No ∆ EAH/EAHa between groups (Nicoyans vs. non-Nicoyans) [EAH r = 0.86, EAHa r = 0.85] |
Age |
AAH, age acceleration (Horvath); AAHa, age acceleration (Hannum); BL, baseline; BSGS, Brisbane Systems Genetics Study; CRELES, Costa Rican Study on Longevity and Healthy Ageing; CT, controls; DNAmAge, DNA methylation age; EEAA, extrinsic epigenetic age acceleration (Hannum measurement); EAH, epigenetic age (Horvath); EAHa, epigenetic age (Hannum); FU, follow-up; IEAAH, intrinsic epigenetic age acceleration (Horvath); IEAAHa, intrinsic epigenetic age acceleration (Hannum); NS, not shown; OATS, Older Australian Twin Study; SCS, Sydney Centenarian Study; SSC, semi-super centenarians; V90+, Vitality 90+; YFS, Young Finns Study
*All includes all five measures of interest to this review, including AAH, AAHa, IEAAH, IEAAHa, and EEAA