Table 2. Financial Burden of 675 Patients With Alopecia Areata.
Financial Burden Response | No. (%) |
“I had to use savings.” | 279 (41.3) |
“I had to borrow money/take out a loan/use credit.” | 156 (23.1) |
“I could not make payments on credit cards or other bills.” | 79 (11.7) |
“I sold possessions or property.” | 47 (7.0) |
“I worked more hours.” | 176 (26.1) |
“I had family members work more hours.” | 56 (8.3) |
“I cut down on spending for food/clothes.” | 229 (33.9) |
“I cut down on spending for health care for other family members.” | 27 (4.0) |
“I cut down on recreational activities.” | 248 (36.7) |
“I cut down on expenses in general.” | 272 (40.3) |
“I did not fill the prescription.” | 73 (10.8) |
“I filled only part of the prescription.” | 22 (3.3) |
“I took less than prescribed amount of treatment.” | 0 (0) |
None of the above | 143 (21.2) |
Financial Burden of AA Rating | |
Not a financial burden at all | 84 (12.4) |
Minor financial burden | 190 (28.1) |
Moderate financial burden | 214 (31.7) |
Serious financial burden | 170 (25.2) |
Catastrophic financial burden | 17 (2.5) |
Abbreviation: AA, alopecia areata.