(A) Western blotting shows equivalent FC protein expression in control and β-catenin DsiRNA livers after DDC, but decreased ALA-S after β-catenin DsiRNA+DDC; **p <0.01 vs. control+DDC (t test). (B) ALA-D is decreased in β-catenin DsiRNA+DDC livers; **p <0.01 vs. control+DDC (t test). (C) Expression of ALA-S and ALA-D is significantly decreased after β-catenin DsiRNA at baseline, as well as in KO1 at baseline. ALA-D is suppressed in KO2 compared to controls at baseline, while ALA-S is insignificantly decreased. Left panel: *p <0.05 and ***p <0.001 vs. control+DDC; middle panel: *p <0.05 and ***p <0.001 vs. WT1; right panel: ***p <0.001 vs. WT2 (t test). n ≥ 3 mice per group. DDC, 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine; DsiRNA, dicer-substrate RNA; KO1, β-catenin knockout mice; KO2, LRP5/6 double knockout mice; WT1, wild-type floxed control mice; WT2, wild-type floxed control mice.