Fig. 4.
RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and gene candidate confirmation following inorganic arsenite (iAs) exposure. A: volcano plot of RNA-seq results. Gray boundaries marked by dotted lines represent thresholds for candidate gene identification as described in materials and methods (n = 3). B: relative gene expression derived from (top) RNA-seq fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads (FPKM) values and (bottom) independent Taqman qPCR gene expression measurements for candidate genes following 3 days of iAs exposure (n = 4). C: original FPKM values of Ugt1a6a and other Ugt1a family member genes from the same data set used in A (n = 3). D: Taqman qPCR of Ugt1a6a following 2 days (left) or iAs exposure in mouse islets and 3 days (right) of iAs exposure in human islets. NS, not significant; ND, not detected in control and/or iAs-exposure groups. A–C: RNA-seq was performed on samples collected during 1 experiment. B and D: 3 independent experiments were performed for Taqman analyses. Statistics: A and B: analysis detailed in materials and methods. C: no separate statistical analyses were performed aside from the unbiased assessment of all RNA-seq data as described in materials and methods. D: one-way ANOVA was performed for mouse islet Ugt1a6a gene expression; however, human islet data were not subjected to statistical analysis. *P < 0.05, ΩP < 0.0001.