Orthogonal signal corrected partial least squares discriminant analysis (OSC-PLSDA) reveals separation of high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) cardiac tissue specimens from control and cortisol (CORT) newborn sheep immediately following birth. A: OSC-PLSDA scores plot reveals separation of control (n = 18 from 6 animals, blue) and CORT (n = 18 from 6 animals, red) cardiac tissue in the first principal component. B: variable importance of projection (VIP) plot for the first 15 metabolites that contribute to separation in OSC-PLSDA component 1. The more a metabolite contributes to the separation in the scores plot, the greater the VIP score (x-axis). Metabolites colored in blue are elevated in control cardiac tissue specimens, while those colored in red are elevated in CORT specimens relative to control. GPC, glycerophosphocholine.