A. Schematic of the Flag-tagged SIRT1 and ten deletion constructs used in this study (adapted from [40]). ESA: Essential for SIRT1 Activity motif. B. Full length SIRT1, the ten deletion constructs (Δ1-Δ10), and a GFP control were ectopically expressed in CGNs and treated with either HK or LK media. Viability was quantified as described in material and methods (* p<0.05 and *** p<0.001 as compared to GFP LK; ### p<0.001 compared to SIRT1; n = 3). C. Htt-GFP, mut-Htt-GFP, and a GFP control were ectopically expressed into CGNs. Additionally, mut-Htt was co-expressed in a 1:2 ratio with either a control vector (Ctrl, 3xFlag), full length SIRT1-Flag, a SIRT1 deacetylase mutant (H363Y-Flag), or Flag-tagged Δ1, Δ4, Δ6, Δ7, Δ8, or Δ9. Cells were then treated with HK media for 24 h and viability was quantified (*p<0.05, **p<0.01 and ***p<0.001 as compared to mut-Htt/Ctrl co-transfected cells; ###p<0.001 as compared to GFP; ^p<0.05 as compared to mut-HTT/SIRT1 co-transfected cells; n = 3).