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. 2019 May;109(5):762–767. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2019.304967


Association of State DBN Laws with Supplemental Testing and Cancer Detection, Adjusted Rates per 1000 Screening Mammograms: 34 US States, January 1, 2014–December 31, 2015

Ultrasound MRI Biopsy Cancer Detection
Rate (95% CI) P Rate (95% CI) P Rate (95% CI) P Rate (95% CI) P
Overall predicted means
Type of DBN law
 No law (Ref) 71.1 (70.5, 71.7) 4.09 (4.04, 4.16) 16.6 (16.5, 16.7) 2.11 (2.04, 2.19)
 Generic DBN 72.3 (69.2, 75.5) .48 4.58 (4.11, 5.05) .07 17.1 (16.1, 18.1) .50 2.19 (1.95, 2.43) .59
 DBN+SS 81.5 (74.6, 88.5) .006 4.55 (3.91, 5.20) .19 16.3 (15.4, 17.2) .65 2.48 (2.20, 2.76) .022
Age, y
 40–49 (Ref) 93.0 (92.1, 93.8) 4.44 (4.21, 4.67) 19.3 (19.0, 19.5) 1.61 (1.50, 1.72)
 50–59 61.9 (61.3, 62.5) < .001 4.26 (4.11, 5.20) .35 15.4 (15.2, 17.2) < .001 2.61 (2.49, 2.72) < .001
Predicted differences in means
Generic DBN vs no law 1.25 (−2.26, 4.77) .48 0.48 (−0.04, 0.99) .07 0.45 (−0.63, 1.54) .41 0.08 (−0.21, 0.37) .59
DBN+SS vs no law 10.5 (2.95, 17.6) .006 0.46 (−0.23, 1.15) .19 −0.29 (−1.27, 0.70) .57 0.37 (0.05, 0.69) .022
DBN+SS vs generic DBN 9.2 (1.31, 16.7) .025 −0.02 (−0.81, 0.77) .96 −0.74 (−1.98, 049) .24 0.29 (−0.02, 0.60) .07

Note. CI = confidence interval; DBN = dense breast notification; DBN+SS = dense breast notification with mandated notification of the possible benefits of supplemental screening; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging. The study sample contained 1 441 544 mammograms representing 1 160 079 women. This represents 570 635 mammograms among women aged 40–49 years and 870 909 mammograms among women aged 50–59 years. Adjusted rates are per 1000 screening mammograms.