A) Shape complementarity at the homodimerization interface. The two protomers are rendered in surface mode (coloured by elements with C, N, O and S in green, blue, red and yellow respectively) and cartoon mode (coloured in magenta) respectively. B) Intermolecular hydrophobic contacts, salt bridges, and hydrogen bonds at the homodimerization interface. The side-chains for some of the key residues belonging to the protomer rendered in cartoon mode are shown in sticks. 2Fo-Fc electron density map (mesh) contoured at 1σ is shown for these side-chains. The residues involved in the intermolecular interactions are indicated differently for the two protomers: one letter abbreviation-residue number in black for residues belonging to the protomer rendered in cartoon mode and one letter abbreviation-residue number in white for residues belonging to the protomer rendered in surface mode. Hydrogen bonds are represented as yellow dashed lines.