Table 1.
Indicators | Correct answers |
VCT knowledge | |
Knowledge of VCT location | 2587 (7.4) |
Knowledge of VCT process | 3652 (10.4) |
Modes of transmission | |
HIV is transmitted by breastfeeding | 28 510 (81.5) |
People get HIV by sharing unsterilized needles | 32 127 (92.0) |
Cannot get HIV by sharing food | 15 027 (43.0) |
Cannot get HIV from mosquito bites | 16 022 (45.8) |
Cannot get HIV from witchcraft | 27 622 (79.2) |
Prevention | |
Always use condom during sex | 19 552 (56.0) |
Have only 1 partner | 26 260 (75.2) |
Perceptions related to PLWHA | |
A woman with HIV can continue to work | 16 938 (48.7) |
Willing to care for PLWHA | 24 425 (69.8) |
A healthy-looking person can have HIV | 28 013 (80.2) |
Values are presented as number (%).
HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; VCT, voluntary counseling and testing; PLWHA, people living with HIV/AIDS.