Table 4.
Relationship between prosocial behaviour and eye gaze (Story task).
a) Does gaze before the choice predicts choices? | b) Do choices predict gaze after the choice? | ||
Setting |
Beta = −0.013 t(293.8) = −0.243 p > .05 |
Setting |
Beta = −0.022 t(288.2) = −0.641 p > .05 |
GazeBefore |
Beta = −0.246 t(303.8) = −0.973 p > .05 |
Choice |
Beta = −0.106 t(303.8) = −2.68 p < .01⁎⁎ |
Setting X GazeBefore |
Beta = −0.159 t(302.9) = −0.506 p > .05 |
Setting X Choice |
Beta = 0.031 t(289.6) = 0.586 p > .05 |
Participant |
Beta = 0.022 Z = 2.65 p < .01⁎⁎ |
Participant |
Beta = 0.009 Z = 3.04 p < .01⁎⁎ |