mTOR knockdown inhibits cytoophidium assembly in Drosophila follicle cells. A and B: UAS-mTOR-RNAi clones (i.e., mTOR RNAi) marked with GFP (A, outlined in yellow in A‒G) have decreased nuclear size (B). C, F and G: mTOR knockdown cells have reduced length of cytoophidium as indicated by an antibody against CTPS. The cell boundary is outlined by membrane protein Hu-li tai shao (Hts) (D, E and G). H: Statistical analysis of the nuclear size in (B). Nuclear sizes are expressed as a ratio of the average nuclear size in GFP positive cells to neighbouring cells. I: Statistical analysis of the cytoophidium length of mTOR knockdown (mTOR RNAi) cells and their neighbouring control cells. Cytoophidium lengths are expressed as a ratio of the average cytoophidium length in GFP positive cells to neighbouring GFP negative cells. Mean ± S.E.M., ***P < 0.001. Over 60 cells were quantified from each group.