Fig. 3.
The image quality of diffusion tensor imaging of brachial plexus for a 26-year old female healthy volunteer. For anatomical correlation of diffusion tensor images (a) shows a maximum intensity projection (slab thickness 14.0 mm) of a sampling perfection with the application of optimized contrasts using different flip angle evolution, short tau inversion recovery (SPACE STIR) image covering all nerve roots and trunks from C5 to C7. Corresponding maximum intensity projections (slab thickness 14.0 mm) for an single-shot echo planar diffusion-tensor imaging (ss-DTI) tensor image in panel (b) and for adolescent resilience scale diffusion-tensor imaging (ars-DTI) tensor image in panel (c). Overall image quality was rated “good” for readout-segmented echo planar diffusion-tensor imaging (rs-DTI) and “moderate” for ss-DTI by both readers. Ghosting artifacts in opposite were found to be “low”2 in ss-DTI and “moderate”3 in rs-DTI by both readers.