Serum levels of (A) leptin (n=6/group), (B)
adiponectin (n=5/group), (C) corticosterone (n=6/group) and
(D) β-hydroxybutyrate (n=10/group) were measured by
ELISA at different time points during the experiment: baseline before starting
the diet (IF or ad libitum feeding-T1), after 4 weeks on the diet but before
immunization (T2), during clinical EAE (day 18–20 post-immunization-T3).
The box in the graphs extends from the 25th to 75th %
percentiles, the bars are median, the whiskers indicate the smallest and largest
values. Measurements for leptin, adiponectin and corticosterone were performed
in 3 different experiments with similar results (Table S2 reports the results of all
experiments performed); β−hydroxybutyrate was measured in 2
different experiments with similar results. In the ELISA assays each sample was
run in duplicate. * P<0.05; **
P<0.005, *** P<0.0005. All
P values were calculated by Mann-Whitney test.