Figure EV5. Neuronal stimulation by NMDA increases ADAM10‐mediated NrCAM shedding.
ATo genetically validate our findings, ADAM10fl/fl neurons were treated with an iCre, or a control lentivirus at DIV2, to knock out ADAM10. The cells were kept in culture until DIV10; then, the neurons were treated with NMDA (50 μM) or vehicle for 30 min (Wan et al, 2012).
BWt neurons were cultured like in (Fig 5A). At DIV10, the cells were pretreated with the NMDA receptor antagonist D‐APV (100 μM) or vehicle for 30 min; then, the neurons were treated with NMDA (50 μM) or vehicle for 30 min. Densitometric quantifications of the Western blots are shown. One‐way ANOVA with post hoc Dunnett's test (****P < 0. 0001, n = 6). Shown are the mean and SEM. Representative Western blots are shown.
Source data are available online for this figure.