a, Experimental set-up. Sham-operated (Sham) or Castrated (CTX) Ptenpc-/- mice were lethally irradiated and transplanted with BM precursors depleted by T, B, and NK cells from IL23wt and IL23ko mice. Then, monitored by MRI for tumor progression. b, Representative dot plot of BM precursors pre- and post-depletion of T, B, and NK cells. Data were validated in two biological independent experiments. c, Quantification of the tumor size of Sham-operated Ptenpc-/-;IL23wt (n=4) and Ptenpc-/-;IL23ko (n=4), and castrated Ptenpc-/-;IL23wt (n=4) and Ptenpc-/-;IL23ko (n=7) mice at completion of the study is reported as fold increase of the prostate anterior lobe (AL) volume (fold change compared with CTX Ptenpc-/-;IL23wt group). Data are reported as mean ± SE. Statistical analyses (Unpaired two sided t test): **P <0.01, ***P <0.001. d, H&E, Ki-67, and pSTAT3Y705 immunohistochemical staining (Ki-67 and pSTAT3Y705 brown; nuclei, blue) of one representative Ptenpc-/-;IL23wt and Ptenpc-/-;IL23ko mouse of at least the three analyzed at completion of the study. Scale Bar 50 or 25 μM.