Top: Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) activation (relative to resting baseline) for sentence production in response to visual prompts (i.e., generating sentence from object pictures; IFG = inferior frontal gyrus; pre-SMA/SMA = pre-supplementary motor area/supplementaty motor area; from Tremblay, P., & Small, S. L. (2011). Motor response selection in overt sentence production: a functional MRI study. Front Psychol, 2, 253. Bottom: Results from a meta-analysis of inhibitory control from Cai, W., Ryali, S., Chen, T., Li, C. S., & Menon, V. (2014). Dissociable roles of right inferior frontal cortex and anterior insula in inhibitory control: evidence from intrinsic and task-related functional parcellation, connectivity, and response profile analyses across multiple datasets. J Neurosci, 34(44), 14652-14667. Studies included in the meta-analysis were conducted on healthy adults, using the stop-signal or go/no-go task with manual responses.