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. 2019 Apr 12;10:1702. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09575-2

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Benchmarking for P. polytes and B. japonicum. a Alignment between the P. polytes bubbles mapped to the dsx-gene locus. Dot plot was obtained using Nucmer and a modified version of Mummerplot in Mummer package57. b Alignment between Platanus-allee bubble and the results obtained using other methods for the dsx-gene locus. c Precision-recall evaluation of B. japonicum based on Moleculo synthetic long reads. Underlined numbers indicate F-measures (harmonic mean of recall and precision). d Relation between phasing performances and heterozygosity of amphioxus. e Examples of highly divergent Platanus-allee bubbles obtained in the amphioxus analysis. Heterozygosities between bubble sequences were calculated based on the sequence difference (1 − (number of matches/alignment-length)) for the mapped 1k-mer pairs obtained from the Moleculo data using 100 kbp-windows. Alignments (“Arrangements of other results”) in b, e were performed using Minimap220 (see “Methods” section)