Task | Variable | Direction of improvement2 | Definition |
SRT | RT | ↓ | Median RT for correct responses |
GNG | RT | ↓ | Median RT for correct responses |
ANT | RT, 0 cues | ↓ | Median RT for correct responses to stimuli with 0 cues (RT0) |
RT, 2 cues | ↓ | Median RT for correct responses to stimuli with 2 cues (RT2) | |
RT, alerting | ↑ | RT0 - RT2 | |
RT, center cue | ↓ | Median RT for correct responses to stimuli with center cues (RTC) | |
RT, spatial cues | ↓ | Median RT for correct responses to stimuli with spatial cues (RTS) | |
RT, orienting | ↑ | RTC - RTS | |
RT, consistent flankers | ↓ | Median RT for correct responses to stimuli with consistent flankers (RTn) | |
RT, inconsistent flankers | ↓ | Median RT for correct responses to stimuli with inconsistent flankers (RTi) | |
RT, conflict | ↑ | RTn - RTi | |
CRT | RT, new items | ↓ | Median RT for correct responses to new stimuli presented with all 4 quadrants visible |
RT, old items | ↓ | Median RT for correct responses to old stimuli presented with all 4 quadrants visible | |
Sensitivity (d') | ↑ | Sensitivity to the presence of old items with all found quadrants visible, calculated as d' = Z−1(hit rate) − Z−1(false alarm rate) | |
Bias (c) | ↓↑3 | Propensity to report an item with all 4 quadrants visible as old, calculated as c = [Z−1(hit rate) + Z−1(false alarm rate)] | |
PCC | ↑ | Percentage change in capacity, based on the proportionality estimate β∧ obtained from the proportional hazards model, = × 100 | |
SMS | RT, intercept, new items | ↓ | Intercept from equation regressing RT for new items on number of items |
RT, intercept, old items | ↓ | Intercept from equation regressing RT for old items on number of items | |
RT, slope, new items | ↓ | Slope from equation regressing RT for new items on number of items | |
RT, slope, old items | ↓ | Slope from equation regressing RT for old items on number of items | |
EEG | Peak amplitude, P1 | ↑ | Peak amplitude of the first positive-going ERP, indexing initial perceptual encoding |
Peak amplitude, N1 | ↓ | Peak amplitude of the first negative-going ERP, indexing object-level representation | |
Peak amplitude, P2 | ↑ | Peak amplitude of the second positive-going ERP indexing semantic processing | |
α-band power, normalized, change from baseline | ↑ | Normalized change in power in the 8–15 Hz band, reflecting relaxed, focused attention and responses to changes in task difficulty | |
γ-band power, normalized, change from baseline | ↑ | Normalized change in power in the 30–90 Hz band, reflecting effortful sustained attention |
1ANT, attentional network task; CRT, cued recognition task; EEG, electroencephalography; ERP, event-related potential; GNG, go/no-go task; PCC, percentage change in capacity; RT, reaction time; SMS, Sternberg memory search task; SRT, simple reaction time task.
2Indicates which direction (higher or lower) indicates better performance.
3Optimal or unbiased performance is near zero; deviation from zero in either direction indicates either a conservative (<0) or liberal (>0) response bias.