LHAad neurons are GABAergic PV+ neurons, receive dense glutamatergic input, and do not co-localize with neuropeptides involved in feeding. Positive control regions were the a anterior hypothalamic nucleus (AHN), ventral juxtaventromedial LHA (LHAjvv), paraventricular hypothalamus (PVH), and b juxtadorsomedial LHA (LHAjd). c WFA colabels with parvalbumin (PV), d WFA does not colabel with GAD65/67, e WFA colabels with GABA, f WFA colabels with VGLUT2, g WFA only colabels with glutamate near the ventral tier of the LHAad, h WFA does not colabel with CaMKIIα, i LHAjvv CaMKIIα positive control, j minimal orexin expression in the LHAad, k LHAjd orexin positive control, l minimal MCH expression in the LHAad, m AHN MCH positive control, n minimal galanin expression in the LHAad, o PVH galanin positive control (n = 11 total: 3 galanin/orexin/MCH; 4 GABA, glutamate, CaMKIIα; 4 VGLUT2/PV/GAD65/67)