Fig. 4.
Expression and copy number distribution of TF and kinase genes. (A) TF family distribution and the proportions of developmentally regulated (left) versus not regulated (right) genes across six species. (B) Circular bar diagram of eukaryotic protein kinase (Left) and TKL (Right) repertoires of mushroom-forming fungi versus in other fungal groups and Metazoa. P values of overrepresentation in mushroom-forming fungi are given for both plots. (C and D) Coexpression network of 306 expressed kinases of C. cinerea overlaid with (C) expression peak and (D) kinase classification. Pairwise correlation coefficients of expression profile similarity were calculated for each pair of kinase genes, and networks were visualized with a correlation coefficient cutoff of 0.825. (E) Kinome (gray) and developmentally regulated kinome (green) repertoires of the six species split by kinase classification. The families Funk1 and Agak1 of the “Other” group are shown separately. Axes are transformed to scale.