Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting
Warmth and structure, parent–child relationship, empathy, problem-solving, compliance, fears, normal development, temperament for all ages. Downloadable from www.parentsmatter.ca
The Incredible Years
Parent–child relationship, compliance, aggression, problem-solving, emotional regulation |
The Whole-Brain Child
Parent–child relationship, empathy, emotional regulation, cognitive behavioural therapy, fears, perspective-taking |
How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk
Empathy, communication, compliance |
Siblings Without Rivalry
Sibling rivalry |
Kids Are Worth it!
Empathy, compliance, aggression |
Take Charge of Your Child’s Sleep
Sleep |
Children Who Do Too Little
Chores |
Smart but Scattered
Inattention, disorganization |
Growing up Mindful
Coping with stress through awareness, concentration, compassion for self and others |
1-2-3 Magic
Compliance, aggression |
The Challenging Child
Parenting child with temperament individual differences |
Raising Your Spirited Child
Parenting child with temperament individual differences |
The Explosive Child
Empathy, compliance, aggression, problem-solving, for children with temperament individual differences or developmental/behavioural disorders |
No Such Thing As a Bad Kid
Parenting child with behavioural disorder |