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. 2019 Mar;8(2):233–240. doi: 10.21037/acs.2019.03.01

Table 1. RVATS pulmonary resections: patient characteristics and perioperative results.

Preoperative variables (n=47) N (%) or median (IQR)
Age (years) 61 (50 to 73)
Male 13 (27.7)
Intraoperative variables
   Lesion location
      Right upper lobe 15 (31.9)
      Right middle lobe 7 (14.9)
      Right lower lobe 11 (23.4)
      Left upper lobe 8 (17.0)
      Left lower lobe 6 (12.8)
   Resection type
      Lobectomy 34 (72.3)
      Segmental resection 2 (4.3)
      Non anatomic resection (wedge) 5 (10.6)
      Lobectomy and wedge 3 (6.4)
      Lobectomy and pleural biopsy 1 (2.1)
      Lobectomy and bronchoplasty 2 (4.3)
   Docking time (min) 18 (13 to 20)
   Console time (min) 125 (110 to 150)
   Total operative time (min) 220 (200 to 250)
   Blood loss (mL) (n=46, 1 missing) 100 (80 to 100)
   Conversion 0 (0)
   Intraoperative complications 3 (6.4)
Postoperative variables (n=47)
   Chest tube duration (hours) 48 (48 to 67)
   Postoperative complications 5 (10.6)
      Cardiac arrhythmia 2 (4.3)
      Air leak 2 (4.3)
      Pneumonia 1 (2.1)
   Hospital length of stay (days) 3 (2 to 4)
   In-hospital mortality 0 (0)
   90 day mortality (n=40, 7 missing) 1 (2.5)
   Follow-up time (months) 29 (12 to 55)
Histology result variables (n=47)
   Tumor size (mm) (n=38, 9 benign disease) 10 (10 to 20)
   Lesion histology
      Adenocarcinoma 24 (51.1)
      Squamous cell carcinoma 3 (6.4)
      Neuroendocrine tumor 5 (10.6)
      Large cell carcinoma 2 (4.3)
      Metastatic disease 4 (8.5)
      Benign 9 (19.1)
   Pathologic stage (n=37, 9 benign, 1 missing value)
      I 24 (64.9)
      II 3 (8.1)
      III 3 (8.1)
      IV 7 (18.9)

Continuous variables are expressed as median and interquartile range (25% quartile to 75% quartile). Categorical variables are expressed as count and percentage. RVATS, robotic assisted videothoracoscopic surgery.