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. 2019 Apr 4;24(14):1800203. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.14.1800203

Table 3. Proportion and number of undiagnosed PLHIV, as estimated by SSOPHIE and the ECDC HIV Modelling Tool, Sweden, 2013 and 2016.

Transmission group SSOPHIE
ECDC model
ECDC model
Proportion n
(90% PR)
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
All PLHIVa 26% 2,100 (900–5,000) 21% (20–23%) 2,013 (1,831–2,189) 20% (17–23%) 2,107 (1,688–2,577)
MSM 17% 600 (100–2,000) 15% (12–17%) 369 (299–434) 17% (13–22%) 518 (355–706)
Migrants from SSA 21% (18–24%) 530 (436–632) 19% (14–26%) 535 (359–789)
Male 35% 300 (200–700)
Female 34% 400 (200–800)
Other heterosexual 21% (18–25%) 502 (407–600) 22% (16–30%) 589 (398–884)
Male 30% 300 (100–1,000)
Female 30% 400 (100–1,200)

CI: confidence interval; ECDC: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control; MSM: men having sex with men; PLHIV: persons living with HIV (diagnosed or undiagnosed); PR: plausibility range; SSA: sub-Saharan Africa; SSOPHIE: Stochastic Simulation model of Outcomes of People with HIV In Europe.

a The number of individuals in the subpopulations do not add up to the total number of PLHIV, because not all PLHIV are part of one of these three subgroups.