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. 2018 Nov 6;10(24):2015–2026. doi: 10.4155/bio-2018-0182

Table 2. . Quantities of cortisol metabolites in the urine of 14 nonsmokers and 21 smokers.

Metabolites Smokers Nonsmokers

  Level (pmol/mg creatinine) Relative abundance Level (pmol/mg creatinine) Relative abundance
Cortisol 3–58 <0.07% 0.4–61 <0.04%

Cortisol gluc 8–565 <0.02% 1–17 <0.03%

THF/A-THF 1–71 <0.03% 30–1635 <0.94%

THF/A-THF gluc 612–9139 0.14–9.50% 352–11,584 0.29–5.38%

Dihydrocortisol 4–3628 <0.01–2.52% 0.4–56 <0.18%

Dihydrocortisol gluc 14,542–280,266 2.88–83.40% 14,064–408,434 13.72–92.34%

Cortisol sulfate 28–179 <0.11% 4–148 <0.03%

6-hydroxycortisol 5–616 <0.33% 1–1871 <0.01–6.08%

Cortisone 18–184 <0.17% 11–231 <0.18%

Cortisone gluc 18–2132 <0.01–2.34% 12–562 <0.31%

THE 1–243 <0.17% 0.5–217 <0.08%

THE gluc 2559–34,770 0.57–9.55% 988–41,734 2.35–14.85%

Dihydrocortisone 14–5213 <0.01–5.15% 2–2405 <0.01–1.38%

Dihydrocortisone gluc 19,447–1,868,017 9.39–95.39% 4460–196,412 1.41–69.85%

Cortisone sulfate 1–380 <0.14% 1–217 <0.08%

Total dihydrocortisol + dihydrocortisone + THF/A-THF + THE   97.04–99.96%   92.91–99.82%

When the measured levels were below the LOD, half of the LOD values of the metabolites were reported herein.

A-THF: Allo-3α-tetrahydrocortisol; THE: 5β-tetrahydrocortisone; THF: 5β-tetrahydrocortisol.