Figure 1.
Concept and optical properties of plasmonic self-assembled GMR structure. (a) Plasmonic NP grating self-assembled inside a photoresist template on a TiO2 waveguide. (b) SEM image of the plasmonic NP grating showing gold NPs within the photoresist grating channels. (c) Schematic illustrating the formation of two hybridized states: plasmonic (H. Pl.) and photonic (H. Ph.) along with the effect of RI variation (n1 to n2). The sensitivity (S = Δλ/Δn) and FOM (= S/fwhm) can be obtained from the distance between the solid and dashed lines (Δλ) and line thickness (fwhm), respectively. (d) Dispersion relation for pure photonic (guided-mode resonance), pure plasmonic (plasmonic grating resonance), and their hybridized modes obtained experimentally in air through an AOI scan with polarization along particle chains.