Argument | Synopsis (* = required) | Detail |
--t | *Treatment BED file | Type 1 ssDNA BED file |
--c | *Control BED file | Type 1 ssDNA BED file |
--gSz | *Effective genome size | Estimated size of mappable genome |
--gName | *Genome/species name | Use pre-computed effective genome size |
(can be used instead of --gSz) | For human: hg19 | hg38 | hg | hs | human For mouse: mm9 | mm10 | mm | mouse For rat: rn | rat |
--name | *Name prefix for output files | - |
--out | Output folder | Default = current folder |
--blist | Blacklist file | BED file of genomic regions with sequencing biases that result in spurious peak calls i.e. for mouse (mm10 genome): $CHSPATH/mm10_hotspot_blacklist.bed |
--tuniq | Treatment BED file with ONLY unique fragments | Optional, but not recommended |
--cuniq | Control BED file with ONLY unique fragments | Optional, but not recommended |
--debug | DEBUG mode | Builds scripts but does not execute. Note: This is a logical argument, so does not take any value (pass as --debug) |
--q30 | Q30 mode | Use only fragments where both reads have a q-score >= 30. This is useful for removing reads that map with low confidence (i.e. to high copy repeats). Note: This is a logical argument, so does not take any value (pass as --q30) |
--nc | Do not call peaks | Do not run peak calling. Note: This is a logical argument, so does not take any value (pass as --debug) |
--h/help | Show help |