Roscovitine promotes β-cell formation in adult mouse pancreas after ductal ligation. A and B: Representative images of the duct-ligated part of pancreas (PDL tail) after treatment with PBS or roscovitine via osmotic pumps for 2 weeks, displaying INS+ cells in green, Ki67+ cells in red, CK19+ cells in yellow, and DAPI in blue. Insets show magnified representative INS+ cells in the periductal area. Arrowheads and arrows indicate INS+ cells in the periductal area and proliferating INS+ cells, respectively. Scale bar of main figures = 100 μm. Scale bar of insets = 25 μm. Quantification of INS+ cells in the periductal area (C), percentage of Ki67+ INS+ cells (D), and percentage of Ki67+ CK19+ cells in the PDL tail (E). P values from cohort 1, cohort 2, and combined are shown; n = 9–14.