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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Apr 15.
Published in final edited form as: Vaccine. 2016 Jul 19;34(37):4406–4414. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.07.019

Table 3.

Selected clinical findings of Guillain Barré Syndrome cases after pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine, VAERS, 2009–2010.

Case Age (yr) Race Sex Vaccines Onset after vaccination (days) PMH Illness/other in 4 wks prior to onset of GBS Symptoms Symptoms CSF EMG Other Neurologist’s Diagnosis/
Brighton level
Civilian cases (n = 10)
1 39 M MIV (Sanofi Pasteur) 2 DM1 on insulin pump Clostridium Difficile Infection (detected as inpatient) Paresthesias (whole body) and cramps in legs ND Normal exam Brain scan, MRI cervical spine ‘‘Sensory GBS” (4) vs. small fiber neuropathy Supportive
2 39 M MIV (UNK) 0 (4 h) Asthma Viral URTI (onset 1 wk Before vaccination) Ascending weakness, numbness, paresthesia in limbs +ve albumin cytologic dissociation ND CBC normal GBS (2) IVIG
3 24 M MIV (Novartis) 2 Prader-Willi Syndrome, HTN, obesity, sleep apnea, leg cellulitis, anxiety/depression ND Lower leg weakness & numbness Rare wbcs +ve for acute progressive neuropathy MRI cervical & lumbar spine normal, serology for HSV2 and EBV -ve GBS (2) Intubated, plasmapheresis
4 35 M MIV (Sanofi Pasteur) 36 Good health Back injury after lifting 100 lb object, Herpes zoster left side of Back Ascending numbness, and weakness all limbs, unable to walk +ve albumin cytologic dissociation Absent F waves c/w early GBS CBC, CMP, CRP, ANA, MRI head, cervical and thoracic spine ‘‘Atypical GBS” (2) Plasmapheresis but suffered relapse on discharge, readmitted repeat plasmapheresis followed by course of IVIG with marked +ve clinical response
5 32 M MIV (Novartis) Approx. 10 ND ND Soreness legs & lower back, sweats, chest cramps, eye twitching ND ND ND Mild Miller Fisher
variant of GBS (4)
6 40 M MIV (Sanofi Pasteur) 3 ND (MRI brain = showed no acute abnormality but frontal lobe encephalomalacia possibly remote trauma) Weakness bilaterally arms and legs, numbness and paresthesias, metallic taste +ve albumin cytologic dissociation +ve for demyelination CTs & MRIs brain, cervical & lumbar spine, USD abdomen, heavy metal screen, EBV serology-ve, CMV IgM/IgG +ve GBS (1) ‘‘likely 2° to recent CMV infection with acute on chronic hepatitis, also monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance IVIG & SoluMedrol, Gangcyclovir for CMV
7 38 M MIV (Novartis) 7 ND URTI (symptoms began 7 days After vaccination) Low back pain, fever cough, fatigue, ascending weakness, paresthesias numbness limbs face and tongue +ve albumin cytologic dissociation Abnormal supportive of AIDP CBC, CMP, ESR, CRP, TFT, vitamin B-12, CXR, CT brain & abdomen GBS (1) IVIG
8 44 M MIV (Sanofi Pasteur) 31 Depression URTI (onset 1 wk after vaccination) Ascending paresthesias, numbness, weakness in all limbs +ve albumin cytologic dissociation ND CBC, CMP, CRP, TFT, CXR, MRI lumbar
9 18 M H1N1 (UNK) 97 Migraine, depression, PCN allergy ND Paresthesia & numbness in upper & lower limbs, areflexia, photophobia +ve albumin cytologic dissociation ND ND GBS (2) Plasmapheresis IVIG
10 41 M MIV (Novartis) 52 ND Febrile illness + mild Hepatomegaly 1–2 wk prior to symptom Onset Ascending weakness all limbs, resp failure, transient delirium +ve albumin cytologic dissociation +ve for demyelination Hep A, B, C serol -ve, monospot +ve = infectious mononucleosis GBS (2) Plasmapheresis intubated in ICU, antibiotics, prolonged Rehab
Military cases (n = 7)
1 19 M MIV (Sanofi Pasteur) Hep A/B (1wk earlier) 9 ND Nausea (1 week) & cough, vomiting, Diarrhea (1 day) Numbness, paresthesias Protein normal, 0 wbcs +ve for mild acute demyelination MRI brain, cervical & thoracic spine, drug screen, CBC GBS (2) IVIG
2 43 M MIV (Sanofi Pasteur) 10 NHL (in remission 3.5 yr), allergic rhinitis URTI Paresthesias, numbness, L side facial droop, weakness in all limbs ND +ve for mild acute demyelination CBC, CMP, Mg, Phosphorus, serum IgA, IgG, ESR, ANA GBS (2) Prednisolone & acyclovir (for presumed Bell’s palsy), IVIG
3 28 M MIV (Novartis), MCV4, LAIV3, Tdap, Hep A/B 46 ND URTI Headache, numbness in legs and face, blurred vision, areflexia and ataxia on exam, dysarthria ND +ve for mild acute demyelination CBC, CMP Miller Fisher variant of GBS (2) IVIG
4 40 M H1N1 (UNK) 36 GERD, OSA, seasonal allergies ND Ascending weakness, paresthesias in all limbs +ve albumin cytologic dissociation ND MRI cervical spine & brain GBS (1) IVIG
5 18 M MIV (Novartis) Hep A/B, MPS, PPV23 30 ND URTI/otitis media (3 days) Ascending weakness in limbs ND +ve for mild acute demyelination MRI cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine & brain GBS (2) IVIG
6 21 M MIV (Novartis), LAIV3, Tdap, IPV 32 ND Pneumonia (1 week) (RBL infiltrate on CXR) Ascending weakness all limbs ND +ve for mild acute demyelination CBC, ESR, Blood cx GBS (2) IVIG, azithromycin, cefdinir
7 26 M MIV (Novartis), Hep A/B 2 Headaches & vertigo Sinusitis (2 weeks) Lightheaded, diplopia, numbness in limbs, areflexia on exam, ataxia, ophthalmoparesis ND ND CT brain, Blood cx Miller Fisher variant of GBS (3) Azithromycin, Vitamin B12

MIV = monovalent H1N1 vaccine; DM1 = type 1 diabetes mellitus; ND = not documented; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; GBS = Guillain Barré syndrome; URTI = upper respiratory tract infection; CBC = complete blood count; IVIG = intravenous immunoglobulin; HTN = systemic hypertension; wbcs = white blood cells; HSV2 = herpes simplex virus type 2; EBV = Epstein-barr virus; CMP = comprehensive metabolic panel; CRP = C-reactive protein; ANA = antinuclear antibody; USD = ultrasound exam; CMV = cytomeglaovirus; IgM = immunoglobulin M; IgG = immunoglobulin G; AIDP = acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy; TFT = thyroid funtion tests; CT = computerized tomographic scan; H1N1 (UNK) = H1N1 vaccine unknown type; PCN = penicillin; Hep A, B, C serol = hepatitis A, B, C serology; NHL = Non-Hodgkins lymphoma; IgA = immunoglobulin A; IgG = immunoglobulin G; ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate; MCV4 = meningococcal conjugate vaccine; LAIV = live attenuated influenza vaccine; Tdap = tetanus diphtheria acellular pertussis vaccine; Hep A/B = hepatitis A & B vaccine; GERD = gastroesophageal reflux disease; OSA = obstructive sleep apnea; MPS = meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine; PPV23 = pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine; IPV = inactivated polio vaccine; RBL = right basal lobe; CXR = chest X-ray; CT = computerized tomographic scan; Blood cx = blood culture.

To calculate the rate of post-MIV GBS we excluded civilian Case #9 and military Case #4 as the vaccine they received was reported as ‘‘H1N1 unknown”.