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. 2012 Aug 20;10(4):366–374. doi: 10.1089/bio.2012.0012

Table 1.

Preanalytical Variables Included in SPREC (7-element long SPREC), Version SPREC 2.0, Applied to Fluid Samples

Type of sample  
Ascites fluid ASC
Amniotic fluid AMN
Bronchoalveolar lavage BAL
Blood (whole) BLD
Bone marrow aspirate BMA
Breast milk BMK
Buccal cells BUC
Unficolled buffy coat, viable BUF
Unficolled buffy coat, nonviable BFF
Ficoll mononuclear cells, viable CEL
Fresh cells from nonblood specimen type CEN
Cells from nonblood specimen type(e.g., ascites, amniotic), viable CLN
Cord blood CRD
Cerebrospinal fluid CSF
Dried whole blood (e.g., Guthrie cards) DWB
Nasal washing NAS
Ficoll mononuclear cells, nonviable PEL
Cells from non blood specimen type (e.g., ascites, amniotic), nonviable PEN
Pleural fluid PFL
Plasma, single spun PL1
Plasma, double spun PL2
Red blood cells RBC
Saliva SAL
Semen SEM
Serum SER
Sputum SPT
Stool STL
Synovial fluid SYN
Tears TER
24 h urine U24
Urine, random (“spot”) URN
Urine, first morning URM
Urine, timed URT
Other ZZZ
Type of primary container  
Acid citrate dextrose ACD
Additives ADD
Serum tube without clot activator CAT
Citrate phosphate dextrose CPD
Cell Preparation Tube® CPT
EDTA and gel EDG
Lithium heparin HEP
Hirudin HIR
Lithium heparin and gel LHG
Oragene collection container or equivalent ORG
PAXgene® blood RNA+ PAX
Potassium EDTA PED
Polyethylene tube sterile PET
S8820 protease inhibitor tablets or equivalent PI1
Protease inhibitors PIX
Polypropylene tube sterile PPS
PAXgene® blood DNA PXD
PAXgene® bone marrow RNA PXR
Sodium citrate SCI
Sodium heparin SHP
Sodium fluoride/potassium oxalate SPO
Serum separator tube with clot activator SST
Tempus® tube TEM
Trace elements tube TRC
Unknown XXX
Other ZZZ
Pre-centrifugation (delay between collection and processing)
 RT* <2 h A
 2°C–10°C <2 h B
 RT 2–4 h C
 2°C–10°C 2–4 h D
 RT 4–8 h E
 2°C–10°C 4–8 h F
 RT 8–12 h G
 2°C–10°C 8–12 h H
 RT 12–24 h I
 2°C–10°C 12–24 h J
 RT 24–48 h K
 2°C–10°C 24–48 h L
 RT >48 h M
 2°C–10°C >48 h N
 35°C–38°C <2 h O
Unknown   X
Other   Z
 RT 10–15 min <3000 g no braking A
 RT 10–15 min <3000 g with braking B
 2°C–10 °C 10–15 min <3000 g no braking C
 2°C–10 °C 10–15 min <3000 g with braking D
 RT 10–15 min 3000–6000 g with braking E
 2°C–10°C 10–15 min 3000 g to 6000 g with braking F
 RT 10–15 min 6000 g to 10000 g with braking G
 2°C–10 °C 10–15 min 6000 g to 10000 g with braking H
 RT 10–15 min >10000 g with braking I
 2°C–10 °C 10–15 min >10000 g with braking J
 RT 30 min <1000 g no braking M
No centrifugation   N
Unknown   X
Other   Z
Second centrifugation    
 RT 10–15 min <3000 g no braking A
 RT 10–15 min <3000 g with braking B
 2°C–10°C 10–15 min <3000 g no braking C
 2°C–10°C 10–15 min <3000 g with braking D
 RT 10–15 min 3000–6000 g with braking E
 2°C–10°C 10–15 min 3000–6000 g with braking F
 RT 10–15 min 6000–10,000 g with braking G
 2°C–10°C 10–15 min 6000–10,000 g with braking H
 RT 10–15 min >10,000 g with braking I
 2°C–10°C 10–15 min >10,000 g with braking J
No centrifugation   N
Unknown   X
Other   Z
Post-centrifugation delay  
 <1 h 2°C–10°C A
 <1 h RT B
 1 to 2 h 2°C–10°C C
 1 to 2 h RT D
 2 to 8 h 2°C–10°C E
 2 to 8 h RT F
 8 to 24 h 2°C–10°C G
 8 to 24 h RT H
 >24 h 2°C–10°C I
 >24 h RT J
 Not applicable N
 Unknown X
 Other Z
Long-term storage    
 PP tube 0.5- to 2 mL** (−85)°C–(−60)°C A
 PP tube 0.5- to 2 mL (−35)°C–(−18)°C B
 PP tube 0.5- to 2 mL <-135°C V
 Cryotube 1- to 2 mL LN*** C
 Cryotube 1- to 2 mL (−85)°C–(−60) °C D
 Cryotube 1- to 2-mL Programmable freezing to <-135°C E
 Plastic cryo straw LN*** F
 Straw (−85)°C–(−60)°C G
 Straw (−35)°C–(−18)°C H
 Straw Programmable freezing to <-135°C I
PP tube ≥5 mL (−85)°C–(−60)°C J
PP tube ≥5 mL (−35)°C–(−18)°C K
 Microplate (−85)°C–(−60)°C L
 Microplate (−35)°C–(−18)°C M
 Cryotube 1- to 2 mL LN*** after temporary (−85)°C–(−60)°C N
 Plastic cryo straw LN*** after temporary (−85)°C–(−60)°C O
 Paraffin block RT or 2°C–10°C P
 Bag LN*** Q
 Dry technology medium RT R
 PP tube 40- to 500 μL (−85)°C–(−60)°C S
 PP tube 40- to 500 μL (−35)°C–(−18)°C T
 PP tube 40- to 500 μL <-135°C W
 Original primary container (−35)°C–(−18)°C or (−85)°C–(−60)°C Y
Unknown   X
Other   Z

New elements are screened. Codes in bold come from the Laboratory Data Management System (LDMS).


RT, room temperature: 18°C–28°C; **PP, polypropylene; ***LN, liquid nitrogen, referring to either vapor- or liquid-phase (this information being documented in the biobank's SOPs)

Volumes refer to container size.