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. 2017 Feb 17;2017(2):CD011774. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011774.pub2
No. Search terms Results
1 (walk‐in or walk‐ins).ti. 541
2 (walk‐in adj3 (appointment? or clinic? or center? or centre or centres or care or facility or facilities or healthcare or primary care or nurse led or (led adj2 physician? assistant?) or visit?)).ab. 666
3 (drop‐in adj3 (appointment? or clinic? or center or centers or centre or centres or care or healthcare or nurse led or (led adj2 physician? assistant?))).ti,ab. 455
4 ((as needed or unscheduled or patient scheduled or (self‐schedul* adj6 patient?)) adj2 (appointment? or visit?)).ti,ab. 1049
5 ((weekend? or after‐hours or out of hours or week‐end? or evening) adj2 (care or health care or clinic? or consultation? or appointment?)).ti,ab. 852
6 ((patient? or primary) adj2 (care or healthcare) adj10 (walk‐in? or unschedul*)).ti,ab. 140
7 (mobile health clinic? or mobile health* centre? or mobile health* center?).ti,ab. and (urgent or out of hours or after hours or scheduling or appointment? or unscheduled or emergency or emergencies).ti,ab,hw. 4
8 ((flexible adj2 (appointment? or care or healthcare or schedul*)) and (patient? or (primary adj2 (care or health care or healthcare)))).ti,ab. 320
9 minor injur* unit?.ti,ab. 110
10 (urgent care centre? or urgent care center?).ti,ab. 317
11 (walk‐in adj3 service?).ab. 114
12 (nurse‐led adj2 (clinic? or care or centre or centres or center or centers or healthcare or patient care)).ti,ab. 1034
13 (nurse? adj2 managed adj3 (clinic? or center or centers or centre or centres or care or healthcare)).ti,ab. 393
14 ((nurse or nurses) adj2 run adj3 (clinic? or care or centre or centres or center or centers or healthcare or patient care)).ti,ab. 122
15 ((physician? assistant? or feldsher? or nonphysician? or non‐physician? or allied health or doctor? assistant?) adj3 (clinic or clinics or care or centre or centres or center or centers or healthcare or health care or patient care)).ti,ab. 1206
16 (((care adj2 (centre or center? or centres)) or clinic?) adj4 (without adj3 (physician? or doctor?))).ti,ab. 24
17 (((care adj2 (centre or center? or centres)) or clinic?) adj4 non‐physician?).ti,ab. 16
18 free standing clinic?.ti,ab. 44
19 ((clinic? or healthcare or (health adj2 care) or (primary adj2 care)) adj10 (mall or malls or retail or shopping centre? or shopping or department store or department stores)).ti,ab. 458
20 (retail adj5 (health* adj2 (facility or facilities))).ti,ab. 13
21 ((quick or quickly or convenient*) adj2 (care or health care or healthcare or clinic?)).ti,ab. 353
22 (appointment? adj2 (no or none or last minute)).ti,ab. 331
23 (curaquick or healthstop or smartcare or takecare or quickcare).ti,ab. 51
24 (medicentre? or medicenter?).ti,ab. 8
25 ((walmart or walgreens) adj3 clinic?).ti,ab. 3
26 ((drug store? or pharmacy or ((community or neighbo?rhood) adj2 pharmacies)) adj4 (clinic? or care center? or care centre or care centres or healthcare centre? or healthcare center?)).ti,ab. 610
27 or/1‐26 8722
28 randomized controlled trial/ 397,653
29 controlled clinical trial/ 392,529
30 quasi experimental study/ 2811
31 pretest posttest control group design/ 253
32 time series analysis/ 16,687
33 experimental design/ 12,220
34 multicenter study/ 133,639
35 (randomis* or randomiz* or randomly).ti,ab. 866,722
36 groups.ab. 2,035,364
37 (trial or multicentre or multicenter or multi centre or multi center).ti. 239,290
38 (intervention? or effect? or impact? or controlled or control group? or (before adj5 after) or (pre adj5 post) or ((pretest or pre test) and (posttest or post test)) or quasiexperiment* or quasi experiment* or pseudo experiment* or pseudoexperiment* or evaluat* or time series or time point? or repeated measur*).ti,ab. 9,188,776
39 or/28‐38 10,259,816
40 (systematic review or literature review).ti. 86,795
41 "cochrane database of systematic reviews".jn. 3771
42 exp animals/ or exp invertebrate/ or animal experiment/ or animal model/ or animal tissue/ or animal cell/ or nonhuman/ 22,801,580
43 human/ or normal human/ or human cell/ 16,986,271
44 42 not (42 and 43) 5,862,073
45 40 or 41 or 44 5,951,836
46 39 not 45 7,746,246
47 27 and 46 4644