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. 2019 Apr 12;2(2):e201800270. doi: 10.26508/lsa.201800270

Figure 1. Altered CST expression leads to changes in chromatin-bound MCM.

Figure 1.

(A) Western blot analysis of STN1 knockdown in HeLa cells. Actinin is used as a loading control. shNT: non-targeting shRNA; shSTN1: STN1 shRNA; and shSTN1-Res: shSTN1 cells plus shRNA-resistant Flag-STN1. (B) Representative images of pre-extracted, EdU-lableled cells used to measure MCM levels. DAPI: blue, MCM: magenta, EdU: green. Scale bar = 12.5 μm. (C) Dot plots of mean MCM7, MCM3, or MCM6 intensity per nuclei, represented in arbitrary fluorescent units (AFU). Black line and numbers below the graph indicate the mean AFU. Error bars indicate the ±SEM of at least three independent biological experiments. n indicates the number of total nuclei scored. (D) Western blot analysis of HA-CTC1, Flag-STN1, and untagged TEN1 in CST overexpressing (CST-OE) and WT cells. (E) Representative images of HeLa WT and CST-OE cells, as in (B). Scale bar = 12.5 μm. (F) Dot plots of mean MCM7 intensity per nuclei. Black line and numbers below the graph indicate the mean AFU. Error bars indicate the ±SEM of three independent biological experiments. n indicates the number of total nuclei scored. P-values were calculated by an unpaired, two-tailed Mann–Whitney test (****P ≤ 0.0001).