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. 2008 Apr 16;2008(2):CD005537. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD005537.pub2
Database searched Search strategy used
PaPaS TRIALS REGISTER ((psychotherapy OR psychotherapy* OR aromatherapy* OR "art therapy" OR "autogenic training" OR "behavior* therapy" OR "behaviour* therap*" OR (biofeedback AND psycho*) OR "cognitive therapy" OR "cognitive behavioural therap*" OR (desensiti* AND psychol*) OR "implosive therapy" OR "relaxation therap*" OR "relaxation technique*" OR "therapeutic touch" OR "touch therap*" OR yoga OR bibliotherapy OR "colour therap*" OR "colour therapy" OR "music therapy" OR hypnotherapy OR (imagery AND psychotherapy*) OR counsel* OR "group therap*" OR "socioenvironmental therapy" OR "socio‐environmental therapy" OR "milieu therapy" OR "therapeutic community" OR "family therap*" OR psychosoc* OR psycholog* OR "self help group*" OR "support* group*" OR "guided imagery") AND (depression OR depressive$ OR depressed) AND (neoplasms OR tumor$ OR tumour$ OR cancer$ OR carcinoma$ OR malignan$ OR neoplas$))
CENTRAL #1 PSYCHOTHERAPY (explode all trees MeSH) #2 (psychotherap* or aromatherap* or (art next therap*) or (autogenic next training) or (behavior* near therap*) or (behaviour* near therap*) or (biofeedback and psycho*) or (cognitive near therap*) or (desensiti* and psychol*) or (implosive near therap*) or (relax* near therap*) or (relax* near techniq*) or (therap* near touch*) or yoga) #3 (bibliotherapy or (color* near therap*) or (colour* near therap*) or (music* near therap*) or (hypno* near therap*) or (imagery AND psychotherap*) or counsel* or (group* NEAR therap*) or (socioenvironmental next therap*) or (socio next environmental next therap*) or (milieu next therap*) or (therapeutic communit*) or (famil* near therap*) or psychosoc* or psycholog* or self help group* or support* NEAR group* or guide* NEAR image*) #4 (#1 or #2 or #3) #5 DEPRESSION (single term MeSH) #6 (depression or depressive* or depressed) #7 (#5 or #6) #8 NEOPLASMS (explode all trees MeSH) #9 (tumor* or tumour* or cancer* or carcinoma* or malignan* or neoplas*) #10 (#8 or #9) #11 (#4 and #7 and #10)
EMBASE via Embase.Com (('psychotherapy'/exp AND [embase]/lim) OR ((psychotherap* OR aromatherap* OR 'art therapy' OR 'autogenic training' OR 'behavior therapy' OR 'behavioural therapy' OR ('biofeedback' AND psycho*) OR 'cognitive therapy' OR 'cognitive behavioural therapy' OR 'cognitive behavioural therapies' OR (desensiti* AND psychol*) OR 'implosive therapy' OR 'relaxation therapy' OR 'relaxation therapies' OR 'relaxation technique' OR 'relaxation techniques' OR 'theraputic touch' OR 'touch therapy' OR 'touch teherapies' OR 'yoga') AND [embase]/lim AND [embase]/lim) OR ((bibliotherapy OR 'color therapy' OR 'colour therapy' OR 'color therapies' OR 'colour therapies' OR 'music therapy' OR 'hypnotherapy' AND imagery AND psychotherap* OR counsel* OR 'group therapy' OR 'group therapies' OR 'socioenvironmental therapy' OR 'socio environmental therapy' OR 'milieu therapy' OR 'theraputic community' OR 'family therapy' OR 'family therapies' OR psychosoc* OR psycholog* OR 'self help group' OR 'self help groups' OR 'support group' OR 'support groups' OR 'supportive group' OR 'supportive groups' OR 'guided imagery') AND [embase]/lim)) AND ((depression OR depressive* OR depressed AND [embase]/lim) OR ('depression'/exp AND [embase]/lim)) AND (('neoplasm'/exp AND [embase]/lim) OR ((tumor* OR tumour* OR cancer* OR carcinoma* OR malignan* OR neoplas*) AND [embase]/lim)) The above subject search was linked to the following Filter for EMBASE via ((random*:ti,ab) OR (factorial*:ab,ti) OR (crossover*:ab,ti OR 'cross over':ab,ti OR 'cross over':ab,ti) OR (placebo*:ab,ti) OR ('double blind' OR 'double blind') OR ('single blind':ab,ti OR 'single blind':ab,ti) OR (assign*:ti,ab OR allocat*:ti,ab) OR (volunteer*:ab,ti) OR ('randomized controlled trial'/exp AND [embase]/lim) OR ('single blind procedure'/exp AND [embase]/lim) OR ('double blind procedure'/exp AND [embase]/lim) OR ('crossover procedure'/exp AND [embase]/lim)) NOT ((animal/ OR nonhuman/ OR 'animal'/de AND experiment/ AND [embase]/lim) NOT ((human/ AND [embase]/lim) AND (animal/ OR nonhuman/ OR 'animal'/de AND experiment/ AND [embase]/lim)) AND [embase]/lim) AND [embase]/lim
CINAHL via OVID (Search Strategy as for MEDLINE but run with the following filter for Controlled Trials in CINAHL) 1. Random Assignment/ 2. single‐blind studies/ 3. Double‐Blind Studies/ 4. Triple‐Blind Studies/ 5. Crossover Design/ 6. Factorial Design/ 7. (multicentre study or multicenter study or multi‐centre study or multi‐center study).mp. [mp=title, cinahl subject headings, abstract, instrumentation] 8. random$.ti,ab. 9. latin square.ti,ab. 10. cross‐ or crossover.ti,ab. [mp=title, cinahl subject headings, abstract, instrumentation] 11. Placebos/ 12. ((singl$ or doubl$ or trebl$ or tripl$) adj25 (blind$ or mask$)).ti,ab. 13. placebo$.mp. [mp=title, cinahl subject headings, abstract, instrumentation] 14. Clinical Trials/ 15. (clin$ adj25 trial$).mp. [mp=title, cinahl subject headings, abstract, instrumentation] 16. or/1‐15
PubMed Cancer Subset #1 PSYCHOTHERAPY (MeSH) #2 (psychotherap* or aromatherap* or (art AND therap*) or (autogenic AND training) or (behavior* AND therap*) or (behaviour* AND therap*) or (biofeedback and psycho*) or (cognitive AND therap*) or (desensiti* and psychol*) or (implosive AND therap*) or (relax* AND therap*) or (relax* AND techniq*) or (therap* AND touch*) or yoga) #3 (bibliotherapy or (color* AND therap*) or (colour* AND therap*) or (music* AND therap*) or (hypno* AND therap*) or (imagery and psychotherap*) or counsel* or (group* AND therap*) or (socioenvironmental AND therap*) or (socio‐environmental AND therap*) or (milieu AND therap*) or (therapeutic AND communit*) or (famil* AND therap*) or psychosoc* or psycholog* or (self AND help AND group*) or (support* AND group*) or (guide* AND image*) #4 #1 OR #2 OR #3 #5 DEPRESSION (MeSH) #6 depression or depressive* or depressed #7 #5 OR #6 #8 NEOPLASMS (explode MeSH) #9 tumor* or tumour* or cancer* or carcinoma* or malignan* or neoplas* #10 #8 OR #9 #11 #4 AND #7 AND #10 All Fields, Limits: Cancer The above search strategy was linked to the following Cochrane filter for PubMed: (randomized controlled trial [pt] OR controlled clinical trial [pt] OR randomized controlled trials [mh] OR random allocation [mh] or double‐blind method [mh] or single‐blind method [mh] or clinical trial [pt] or clinical trials [mh] or ("clinical trial" [tw] or ((singl*) [tw] or doubl* [tw] or trebl* [tw] or tripl* [tw]) AND (mask* [tw] OR blind* [tw])) OR (placebos [mh] OR placebo* [tw] OR random* [tw] OR research design [mh:noexp]) NOT (animals [mh] NOT human [mh])
PsychINFO via OVID 1. exp PSYCHOTHERAPY/ 2. (psychotherap$ or aromatherap$ or "art therap$" or "autogenic training" or "behavior$ therap$" or (behaviour$ adj6 therap$) or (biofeedback and psycho$) or (cognitive adj6 therap$) or (desensiti$ and psychol$) or "implosive therap$" or (relax$ adj6 therap$) or (relax$ adj6 techniq$) or (therap$ adj6 touch$) or yoga) 3. (bibliotherapy or (color$ adj6 therap$) or (colour$ adj6 therap$) or (music$ adj6 therap$) or (hypno$ adj6 therap$) or (imagery and psychotherap$) or counsel$ or (group$ adj6 therap$) or "socioenvironmental therap$" or "socio environmental therap$" or "milieu therap$" or "therapeutic communit$" or (famil$ adj6 therap$) or psychosoc$ or psycholog$ or "self help group$" or (support$ adj6 group$) or (guide$ adj6 image$)) 4. or/1‐3 5. exp RECURRENT DEPRESSION/ or exp REACTIVE DEPRESSION/ or exp TREATMENT RESISTANT DEPRESSION/ or exp "DEPRESSION (EMOTION)"/ or exp MAJOR DEPRESSION/ 6. (depression or depressive$ or depressed) 7. or/5‐6 8. exp NEOPLASMS/ 9. (tumor$ or tumour$ or cancer$ or carcinoma$ or malignan$ or neoplas$) 10. or/8‐9 11. 4 and 7 and 10 The above subject search strategy was run with the following filter: CCT/RCT Filter for Embase (SRB revised) 1. (randomi$ or (control$ adj3 trial$)).mp. [mp=title, abstract, subject headings, table of contents, key concepts] 2. ((singl$ or doubl$ or trebl$ or tripl$) adj (blind$ or mask$)).mp. [mp=title, abstract, subject headings, table of contents, key concepts] 3. placebo$.mp. [mp=title, abstract, subject headings, table of contents, key concepts] 4. exp PLACEBO/ 5. 6. exp Treatment Effectiveness Evaluation/ 7. or/1‐6
LILACS via ((psychotherapy OR psychotherap$ OR aromatherap$ OR (art AND therapy) OR (autogenic AND training) OR (behavior$ AND therapy) OR (behaviour$ AND therapy) OR (biofeedback AND psycho$) OR (cognitive AND therapy) OR (cognitive AND behavioural AND therapy) OR (cognitive AND behavioural AND therapies) OR (desensiti$ AND psychol$) OR (implosive AND therapy) OR (relaxation AND therapy) OR (relaxation AND therapies) OR (relaxation AND technique$) OR (theraputic AND touch) OR (touch AND therapy) OR (touch AND therapies) OR yoga OR bibliotherapy OR (color AND therapy) OR (colour AND therapy) OR (color AND therapies) OR (colour AND therapies) OR (music AND therapy) OR hypnotherapy OR (imagery AND psychotherap$) OR counsel$ OR (group AND therapy) OR (group AND therapies) OR (socioenvironmental AND therapy) OR (socio‐environmental AND therapy) OR (milieu AND therapy) OR (therapeutic AND community) OR (family AND therapy) OR (family AND therapies) OR psychosoc$ OR psycholog$ OR (self AND help AND group) OR (self AND help AND groups) OR (support AND group) OR (support AND groups) OR (supportive AND group) OR (supportive AND groups) OR (guided AND imagery)) AND (depression OR depressive$ OR depressed OR depression) AND (neoplasms OR tumor$ OR tumour$ OR cancer$ OR carcinoma$ OR malignan$ OR neoplas$))