1. Diagnosis of burning mouth syndrome (BMS) and duration of disease in included studies.
Study ID | Diagnosis description | Duration of disease |
Alvarenga da Silva 2014 | "..patients with BMS diagnosed according to the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) guidelines. They underwent laboratory tests and a careful examination to exclude other causes of burning mouth. The exclusion criteria were other facial pain syndromes, other causes of abnormal salivation, other neuropathies or primary diseases associated with burning mouth" | Mean duration of BMS (+/‐ SD): topical urea 10% (n = 19) 6.97 years (+/‐ 4.93); placebo (n = 19) 2.78 years (+/‐ 2.61) |
Bergdahl 1995a | "The patients were odontologically and medically examined and treated according to the protocol for the management of patients with BMS proposed by Bergdahl et al, including complete anamnesis, general medical and odontological examination, laboratory investigation and an epicutaneous patch test. [...] All the odontologically and medically diagnosed diseases were treated, but the treatment had no influence on the burning sensations and therefore these patients were labelled as suffering from resistant BMS" | Not reported |
Bogetto 1999 | (Translated from Italian) "Inclusion criteria: diagnosis of BMS, according to the criteria provided by the literature [six references]" | (Translated from Italian) "The total average duration of the disorder was 2.7 ( +/‐ 3.2 ) years" |
Cano‐Carrillo 2014 | "Inclusion criteria for participating in the study were as follows: a clinical history of continuous symptoms of oral burning or pain on a daily or almost daily basis, during all or part of the day for more than 6 months, without paroxysms, and independent of the nervous pathway; an absence of clinical abnormalities that might account for the symptoms; and normal blood test findings (complete blood count, blood glucose, serum, iron and transferrin levels, serum vitamin B12, and folate. Patients with pain attributable to other conditions (angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitor use, candidiasis, lichenoid reactions, sores, tongue atrophy, etc.) were excluded" | "The majority of patients had severe burning sensation and had suffered from BMS over a long period" (Inclusion criteria required continuous symptoms for longer than 6 months) |
Carbone 2009 | "The study was prospectively performed on patients with previously untreated BMS referred to the Oral Medicine Section of the University of Turin [...], approximately 90 patients reporting oral symptoms suggestive of BMS were screened for participation [...]. Consistent with Gremeau‐Richard et al (2004), the inclusion criteria were the presence of an isolated complaint of chronic pain in the oral mucosa with a normal clinical examination, and pain present for more than 4 months, which was continuous throughout all or part of the day, with no paroxysms and not following a nerve trajectory. Candida infection was ruled out and any organic conditions that could be considered as causative factors for similar oral symptoms were ruled out in all subjects by laboratory examinations (e.g. full blood cell count, and serum levels of iron, ferritine, folate, vitamin B12, and glucose)" |
Not reported (Inclusion criteria required continuous symptoms for longer than 4 months) |
Cavalcanti 2009 | "Subjects [...] who reported a history of oral burning pain for more than 6 months and absence of oral findings were assessed for eligibility.[...] The patients underwent detailed clinical evaluation and laboratory tests [complete blood cell count; blood glucose level; serum iron and ferritin levels; serum vitamin B12; folic acid levels; salivary flow rate measurement; exfoliative cytology; detection of local abnormalities] to exclude possible local and ⁄ or systemic causes for oral burning" | "The mean duration of BMS was 37.43 months (range 6‐132 months)" |
Femiano 2000 | "Only BMS patients with objective evidence of a normal‐looking oral mucosa, with absence of identifiable oral mucosal pathological lesions, with normal salivary secretion (.15 ml/15 min unstimulated and .1 ml min‐1 after 5% citric acid stimulation), and with normal laboratory results [refers to earlier quote: "full blood count, serum ferritin, vitamin B12, SGOT, SGPT, serum total IgE (PRIST) and IgE specific for methacrylate, corrected whole blood folate and random blood sugars"] were included. [...] The final patient group thus consisted of persons with BMS and neither clinical nor laboratory evidence of organic disease" | Not reported |
Femiano 2002a | "..patients, diagnosed with BMS from a history of constant burning discomfort in the anterior tongue, lower lip or hard palate, for more than two months, with no relevant drug or medical history, were examined for evidence of clinical oral mucosal lesions and alterations in laboratory parameters (whole blood folate, serum vitamin B12, serum ferritin, serum glucose, thyroid hormone levels) that could be responsible for the BMS. A final study subgroup of 60 subjects with BMS [...] was identified with no clinical or laboratory evidence of disease" | Not reported (Inclusion criteria required continuous symptoms for longer than 2 months) |
Femiano 2002b | "The study population consisted of persons with BMS as defined elsewhere [reference indicates van der Waal 1990] and with neither clinical nor laboratory evidence of organic disease. [...] the final test subjects were BMS patients only with objective evidence of a normal‐looking oral mucosa, with absence of identifiable oral mucosal pathological lesions, with normal salivary secretion and with normal laboratory results" | Not reported |
Grémeau‐Richard 2004 | "..patients with stomatodynia were screened for participation [...]. The inclusion criteria were the presence of an isolated complaint of chronic pain in the oral mucosa with a normal clinical examination. Pain was present for more than 4 months, was continuous throughout all or part of the day, with no paroxysms and did not follow a nerve trajectory. Patients presenting with an organic condition that could be considered as a causative factor such as diabetes or anaemia were not included. Such local or systemic conditions were sought with laboratory examinations only when suspected from the clinical approach (e.g. blood cell count, serum iron folate level or detection of Candida). Also, patients with abnormal neurological conditions and those regularly treated on a daily basis by anti‐depressants, anti‐convulsants, other psychotropic drugs or psychological therapy were also excluded from this study. [...] Reliability for diagnosis of stomatodynia had been assessed in a previous study involving the same experimentors" | Not reported (Inclusion criteria required continuous symptoms for longer than 4 months) |
Heckmann 2012 | "Twenty‐three patients suffering from BMS were referred to the oral pain clinic of Erlangen University Dental School. [...] Inclusion was restricted to idiopathic cases. [...] the patients received a physical examination of their oral cavity including a test for possible pathological infections with candida" | Mean duration of disease: clonazepam (n = 10) 2.8 years (SD 1.9); placebo (n = 10) 3.6 years (SD 2.4) |
Lopez‐D'alessandro 2011 | "..patients with idiopathic BMS of more than three months duration. [...] Patients with deficiencies of folic acid, vitamin B, carriers of anemias of any kind and patients with Sjögren syndrome were also excluded" | Not reported (Inclusion criteria required continuous symptoms for longer than 3 months) |
López‐Jornet 2009b | "..patients attending our service with symptomatology compatible with BMS were invited to participate [...]. Inclusion criteria to participate in the study were presentation of a clinical history of continuous symptomatology of oral burning or pain, daily or almost daily, during all or part of the day for more than 6 months evolution, without paroxysms, and independent of the nervous pathway; likewise, no clinical abnormality that would justify the symptomatology. Furthermore, the patients had to present a normal blood analysis (completed blood cell counts, blood glucose levels, serum iron and transferrin levels, serum Vit B12 and folate) [...]. Patients with pain attributable to other entities (candidiasis, lichenoid reactions, sores, etc.) were excluded" | "The average time suffering BMS was 3 years, with a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 5 years" |
López‐Jornet 2011 | "Inclusion criteria for participating in the study were a clinical history of continuous symptoms of oral burning or pain on a daily or almost daily basis, during all or part of the day for more than 6 months, without paroxysms, and independent of the nervous pathway. Likewise, the included patients presented no clinical abnormalities that could account for the symptoms. Furthermore, the patients had to present normal blood test findings (complete blood count, blood glucose, serum iron and transferrin levels, serum vitamin B12, and folate) [...]. Patients with pain attributable to other conditions (angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitor use, candidiasis, lichenoid reactions, sores, tongue atrophy, etc.) were excluded" | Not reported (Inclusion criteria required continuous symptoms for longer than 6 months) |
Marino 2010 | "..patients who referred [...] for otherwise idiopathic BMS [...].They all complained of a burning, stinging or painful sensation in the mouth in the absence of alterations in the appearance of the oral mucosa or any local or systemic diseases. [...] exclusion criteria were: (i) evidence of any local disorders that may be responsible for the burning mouth sensation, such as infection by Candida species, parafunctional habits, temporomandibular joint disorders, allergic contact stomatitis, benign migratory glossitis and lichen planus" "Inclusion criteria: Symptoms of diffuse burning pain of the tongue and ⁄ or oral mucosa associated or unassociated with subjective oral dryness or loss or alteration of taste or sensation; Burning pain almost every day; Normal‐looking mucosa in the region of burning; Absence of systemic disorders or laboratory alterations known to be associated with orofacial pain; Daily bilateral oral burning (or pain‐like sensation); Pain is unremitting for at least 4–6 months [...] Exclusion criteria: Presence of specific local etiologic evidence for the burning (e.g. disease of the oral mucosa, hyposalivation); Presence of specific systemic etiologic evidence for the burning (e.g. diabetes, anemia); Use of medications known to be associated with oral burning and ⁄ or alteration of taste or sensation" |
"The mean time from symptom onset to enrolment was 18 months" (Inclusion criteria required continuous symptoms for longer than 4 months) |
Palacios‐Sánchez 2015 | "Diagnosis was made during the first screening phase. [...] patients over 18 years of age clinically diagnosed with BMS who reported a history of continuous oral burning pain for more than 4 months with no clinical signs that could justify the syndrome (Scala 2003) [...] Exclusion criteria included: patients whose burning sensation could be related to local alterations [...] All patients were assessed for salivary flow rates, at rest and stimulated, complete blood count and biochemistry values, including ferritin, vitamin B12 and folic acid levels. [...] According to Lamey and Lewis's BMS classification, 38 patients (63.3%) belonged to type I, 17 patients (28.3%) to type II, and only 5 patients (8.3%) to type III" | "The evolution time of symptomatology varied between 4 months and 20 years" |
Rodríguez de Rivera‐Campillo 2010 | "..adults with BMS [...]. Some patients attended the clinic to receive dental or medical treatment, while others were referred by colleagues after unsuccessful treatments. All subjects reported oral burning in the absence of apparent oral lesions. [...] We excluded patients with disorders in the oral mucosa that could explain the symptoms, those who were receiving treatment for BMS [...]" | Duration of disease (all patients (n = 66)): < 6 months n = 4 (6%); 6‐12 months n = 12 (18%); > 12 months n = 50 (76%) |
Sardella 1999 | "The criterion for admission was the diagnosis of "idiopathic" or "essential" burning mouth syndrome. We use this term to refer to all forms of burning sensation in the mouth, including complaints described as stinging sensation or pain, in association with an oral mucosa that appears clinically normal in the absence of local or systemic diseases or alterations; these include nutritional and hematologic deficiencies, diabetes mellitus, the presence of Candida albicans or candidiasis infection, xerostomia, denture design faults, parafunctional habits, contact allergy to dental materials, oral lichen planus, and geographic tongue. To identify the "essential" BMS cases, the patients' medical and dental histories were carefully taken, particular attention being paid to the characteristics of the complaint (type, localization, duration), the clinical oral inspection performed, and the laboratory evaluations requested. In particular, the laboratory data included complete blood cell counts, blood glucose levels, serum iron and transferrin levels, and serum vitamin B12 and folate levels. Furthermore, patch testing for allergy to dental material was performed, a tongue and palate smear for the detection of Candida was taken, and salivary gland flow rates, resting and stimulated, were determined. When altered parameters were detected, an appropriate therapy was proposed. [...] Patients experiencing symptomatic improvement after correction of their deficiencies were excluded from the investigations, the assumption being made that they did not have "essential" BMS. This clinical design led to the identification of 30 patients with "essential" BMS. [...] With reference to the classification suggested by Lamey and Lewis,13 BMS type II was present in 16 patients (53%), BMS type III in 10 patients (33%), and BMS type I in the remaining 4 patients (14%)" |
"The duration of the syndrome was a matter of months or even years, with a mean duration before the beginning of the clinical trial of 18 months" |
Sardella 2008 | "Subjects referred [...] who reported a history of oral burning pain for at least 6 months and who lacked oral findings were considered for this study. [...] Demographic and medical questionnaires asking for information related to the presence of current systemic diseases and on‐going medications were administered. To confirm the diagnosis of essential BMS, the patients underwent a standard set of evaluations to exclude local or systemic conditions that could be considered causative factors for an oral burning sensation (salivary flow rates; laboratory tests [complete blood cell counts, blood glucose levels, serum iron and transferrin levels, serum vitamin B12 folate levels]; isolation of Candida species; detection of parafunctional activities)" | Mean duration of BMS (+/‐ SD): hypericum perforatum (n = 19) 28.8 months (+/‐ 8.9); placebo (n = 19) 32.4 months (+/‐ 9.9) |
Silvestre 2012 | "BMS was diagnosed according to the current criteria, and the discomfort had been present on a daily basis for at least 6 months (Scala 2003). [...] excluded from the study [...] were those [...] patients with oral mucosal lesions that might explain the burning sensation" | "The mean duration of the disease was 5.43 ± 3.23 years (range 1‐14 years). Patients with a BMS duration of 4 and 5 years represented 39.1% of the total (n = 9)" |
Spanemberg 2012 | "The sample comprised 72 patients of both sexes with a diagnosis of BMS [...]. The study included patients [...] who reported symptoms of burning or pain in the oral mucosa of at least 6 months' duration and who presented with a clinically normal mucosa. [...] Patients who showed hyposalivation (salivary flow rate at rest of 0.1 mL/min), as well as alterations in their hemogram, serum levels of glucose, iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12, were also excluded" | "The time of development of BMS ranged from 6 months to 20 years, with a median of 24 months" |
Spanemberg 2015 | "The study included patients [...] who reported having had symptoms of burning or pain in the oral mucosa for at least six months and who presented a clinically normal mucosa" | "The duration of the symptoms ranged from 6 months to 30 years; 33.3% [n = 26] of the patients had been presenting the disorder for one to three years" |
Tammiala‐Salonen 1999 | "..patients who were referred [...] because of oral mucosal burning pain. [...] The patients underwent a thorough clinical examination, including measurement of whole salivary flow, blood samples (blood count and levels of glucose, B12 vitamins, and folate), and diagnosis of candidiasis. The investigators asked patients about pain intensity and duration, overall health, and medications. [...] Criteria for inclusion were daily, or almost daily, oral burning pain that had lasted 6 months or longer and had a moderate to severe intensity" | "The mean duration of pain in the trazodone group was 3.0 years (6 months to 17 years) and in the placebo group it was 2.8 years (6 months to 20 years)" |
SD = standard deviation.