1. Definition of behaviour change techniques and intervention functions.
Intervention Function | Definition | Intervention components |
Education | Increasing knowledge or understanding | Educational meetings; Dissemination of educational materials; Educational outreach |
Persuasion | Using communication to induce positive or negative feelings or to stimulate action | Educational outreach by academic detailing or review and recommend change |
Restriction | Using rules to reduce the opportunity to engage in the target behaviour (or increase the target behaviour by reducing the opportunity to engage in competing behaviours) | Restrictive |
Environmental restructuring | Changing the physical context | Reminders (physical) such as posters, pocket‐size or credit card‐size summaries or on laboratory test reports; Structural (e.g. new laboratory tests or rapid reporting of results) |
Enablement | Increasing means/reducing barriers to increase capability or opportunity | Audit and feedback; Decision support through computerised systems or through circumstantial reminders that were triggered by actions or events related to the targeted behaviour; Educational outreach by review and recommend change |