Ananda‐Rajah 2010.
Methods | STUDY DESIGN: ITS Risk of Bias: MEDIUM |
Participants | PROVIDERS: all physicians in the medical‐surgical ICU PARTICIPANTS: all patients in the ICU CLINICAL PROBLEM: reduction in use of broad‐spectrum antibiotics considered high risk for selection of MRSA SETTING: 1 university hospital in Australia | |
Interventions | FORMAT, Interventions: educational outreach by review and recommend change Intervention Functions: education, enablement, persuasion DELIVERER: AMT COMPARISON: usual care DESIRED CHANGE: decrease excessive |
Outcomes | PRESCRIBING: Choice: use of broad‐spectrum antibiotics in DDD/1000 OBD MICROBIAL: MRSA bacteraemia rate |
Notes | FINANCIAL SUPPORT: none declared. Competing Interest: none declared ADDITIONAL DATA: no response from authors to request for additional data Microbial Risk of Bias: HIGH, case definition Low, planned intervention Low, other infection control High. Infection control interventions close to antibiotic stewardship interventions clearly documented in Figure 1. |
Risk of bias | ||
Bias | Authors' judgement | Support for judgement |
Intervention independent (ITS) ? | High risk | Other changes are clearly documented in Figure 1. This includes an outbreak of Acinetobacter infection co‐incident with the stewardship intervention, which resulted in appointment of 2 infection control practitioners and associated interventions. The additional staff could have influenced prescribing outcome. |
Analysed appropriately (ITS) ? | Low risk | Segmented regression analysis |
Shape of effect pre‐specified (ITS) ? | Low risk | Point of intervention is point of analysis. |
Unlikely to affect data collection (ITS) ? | Low risk | Pharmacy and microbiology routine data |
Knowledge of the allocation adequately prevented(ITS)? | Low risk | Pharmacy and microbiology routine data |
Incomplete outcome data addressed (ITS) ? | Low risk | Pharmacy and microbiology routine data |
Free of selected reporting (ITS) ? | Low risk | Pharmacy and microbiology routine data |
Free of other bias (ITS) ? | Low risk | > 1 year data pre‐ and postintervention |