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. 2017 Feb 9;2017(2):CD003543. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003543.pub4

Carling 2003.

Risk of Bias: MEDIUM
Participants PROVIDERS: all physicians in the hospital
 PARTICIPANTS: all patients in the hospital
 SETTING: 1 community teaching hospital in the USA
Interventions FORMAT: no valid prescribing data. Educational outreach ‐ review and recommend change; educational meetings with dissemination of educational materials
 COMPARISON: usual care
 DESIRED CHANGE: decrease excessive
Outcomes MICROBIAL: prevalence of Clostridium difficile, ceftazidime‐resistant Enterobacteriaceae, and MRSA
FINANCIAL: cost of intervention
Notes FINANCIAL SUPPORT: Funding: institutional support. Competing Interests: none declared
ADDITIONAL DATA: no additional data requested
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Intervention independent (ITS) ? Low risk 3 years' pre‐intervention data
Analysed appropriately (ITS) ? Low risk Done in original paper: regression analysis with adjustment for autocorrelation. Analysis repeated by review team because of incomplete reporting of results.
Shape of effect pre‐specified (ITS) ? Low risk Done, intended effect was decrease in primary outcome, and point of analysis was point of intervention.
Unlikely to affect data collection (ITS) ? Low risk Done, data were from routine systems and unlikely to change over study period.
Knowledge of the allocation adequately prevented(ITS)? Low risk Done, data were from routine systems and unlikely to change over study period.
Incomplete outcome data addressed (ITS) ? Low risk Done, data were from routine systems and unlikely to change over study period.
Free of selected reporting (ITS) ? Unclear risk Not clear, no information about changes in sampling or testing protocol over study period.
Free of other bias (ITS) ? Low risk VRE isolation unlikely to have influenced C difficile or resistant gram‐negative bacteria. Microbial Risk of Bias Criteria: Planned intervention: DONE Implementation of antimicrobial management team in response to increase in use of target drugs. Case definition: DONE for C difficile infection (diarrhoea and toxin positive) or infection with clinical isolates of gram‐negative bacteria resistant to ceftazidime, or MRSA (CDC definition of nosocomial infection). Other infection control measures: DONE For C difficile contact precautions and procedures for cleansing equipment and patient care areas remained unchanged. Other infection control processes are not described in detail but may have changed during the study period (e.g. VRE isolation introduced after intervention). Data about VRE infections NOT RELIABLE: There were no cases in the pre‐intervention phase and none in the first 3 years postintervention, but there was an outbreak in the 4th and 5th postintervention years caused by admission of patients from other hospitals who were colonised with VRE.