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. 2017 Feb 9;2017(2):CD003543. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003543.pub4

Dull 2008.

Risk of Bias: MEDIUM
Participants PROVIDERS: all physicians, pharmacists, and nurses in surgical department
 PARTICIPANTS: all patients undergoing elective surgery
 CLINICAL PROBLEM: choice, timing, and duration of antibiotic prophylaxis
 SETTING: 7 hospitals in the USA
Interventions FORMAT: Interventions: audit and feedback; educational meetings with dissemination of educational materials; educational outreach by academic detailing; reminders (physical, posters, intranet, and faxes to physicians)
 Intervention Functions: education, enablement, environmental restructuring, persuasion
 COMPARISON: usual care
 DESIRED CHANGE: decrease excessive
Outcomes PRESCRIBING: Exposure: % participants with prophylaxis discontinued within 24 h of surgery
Notes FINANCIAL SUPPORT: no information provided
ADDITIONAL DATA: no response from authors to request for additional data
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Intervention independent (ITS) ? Low risk  
Analysed appropriately (ITS) ? Low risk Re‐analysed
Shape of effect pre‐specified (ITS) ? Low risk Point of intervention was point of analysis.
Unlikely to affect data collection (ITS) ? Low risk Electronic outcome data
Knowledge of the allocation adequately prevented(ITS)? Low risk Electronic outcome data
Incomplete outcome data addressed (ITS) ? Low risk Electronic outcome data
Free of selected reporting (ITS) ? Low risk Electronic outcome data
Free of other bias (ITS) ? High risk 10 months' pre‐ and 12 months' postintervention data
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure