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. 2017 Feb 9;2017(2):CD003543. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003543.pub4

Fowler 2007.

Risk of Bias: MEDIUM
Participants PROVIDERS: physicians in the hospital
 PARTICIPANTS: patients 80 years and older
CLINICAL PROBLEM: Clostridium difficile infection in the elderly
SETTING: 3 acute medical wards for the elderly in 1 university hospital in the UK
Interventions FORMAT: Interventions: audit and feedback, dissemination of guideline; reminders (physical, laminated pocket version of guideline)
Intervention Functions: education, enablement, environmental restructuring
COMPARISON: usual care
DESIRED CHANGE: reduce inappropriate
Outcomes PRESCRIBING: Choice: monthly use of target antibiotics
MICROBIAL: monthly count of cases of CDI
Notes FINANCIAL SUPPORT: no funding. Competing Interests: none declared
ADDITIONAL DATA: email response from authors but no additional data
Microbial Risk of Bias LOW: Planned intervention: Low Case definition: Low, National definition. Other infection control measures: Low
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Intervention independent (ITS) ? High risk Ongoing audit and feedback
Analysed appropriately (ITS) ? Low risk Re‐analysed
Shape of effect pre‐specified (ITS) ? Low risk Done. Point of analysis is point of the intervention.
Unlikely to affect data collection (ITS) ? Low risk Done, data were from routine systems and unlikely to change over study period.
Knowledge of the allocation adequately prevented(ITS)? High risk No, not possible
Incomplete outcome data addressed (ITS) ? Low risk Done, data were from routine systems so unlikely to be incomplete.
Free of selected reporting (ITS) ? Low risk Done, Figures 3 and 4
Free of other bias (ITS) ? Low risk > 1 year data pre‐ and postintervention