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. 2017 Feb 9;2017(2):CD003543. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003543.pub4

Hulgan 2004.

Risk of Bias: LOW
Participants PROVIDERS: physicians in the hospital
 PATIENTS: all patients with clinical problem
CLINICAL PROBLEM: use of IV and oral quinolones
SETTING: university hospital in the USA
Interventions FORMAT, Interventions: reminders (circumstantial and physical, computerised decision support system integrated into an existing provider order entry system)
 Intervention Functions: enablement, environmental restructuring, persuasion
COMPARISON: usual care
DESIRED CHANGE: decrease excessive use of IV quinolones
Outcomes PRESCRIBING: Choice: number of orders for oral quinolone
FINANCIAL: savings on drug costs in USD
Notes FINANCIAL SUPPORT: Funding: NIH Training Grant T32 AI 07474‐08 and Vanderbilt Clinical Research Scholar Award K12 RR17697 (TH). Competing Interests: DAT and RAM receive authorship royalties through Vanderbilt University from the commercial distribution of WizOrder. STR has received consulting fees from McKesson Information Solutions, which has licensed WizOrder for commercial distribution. None of the other authors has related disclosures or potential conflicts of interest.
ADDITIONAL DATA: email response from authors with additional data
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Intervention independent (ITS) ? Low risk Objective outcome measure
Analysed appropriately (ITS) ? Low risk Done in original paper: segmented regression analysis
Shape of effect pre‐specified (ITS) ? Low risk Done, intended effect was increase in primary outcome, and point of analysis was point of intervention.
Unlikely to affect data collection (ITS) ? Low risk Done, data were from routine systems and unlikely to change over study period.
Knowledge of the allocation adequately prevented(ITS)? Low risk Done, data were from routine systems and unlikely to change over study period.
Incomplete outcome data addressed (ITS) ? Low risk Done, data were from routine systems and unlikely to change over study period.
Free of selected reporting (ITS) ? Low risk 1 year of data pre‐ and postintervention
Free of other bias (ITS) ? Low risk Objective primary outcome, cost analysis adjusted to 2003 prices.