Salama 1996.
Methods | STUDY DESIGN: ITS Risk of Bias: LOW |
Participants | PROVIDERS: all physicians in the hospital PARTICIPANTS: all patients in the hospital CLINICAL PROBLEM: requiring antibiotic therapy SETTING: 1 university hospital in Canada | |
Interventions | FORMAT: Interventions: audit and feedback; educational meetings with dissemination of guidelines; educational outreach by academic detailing; reminders (circumstantial, physical, and verbal: newsletters, posters, pocket charts, educational rounds, and triggered by prescribing of target drugs); reminders (physical); restrictive by compulsory order form plus automatic 3‐day stop order for all antibiotics and review and make change (therapeutic substitution of selected drugs) Intervention Functions: education, enablement, environmental restructuring, persuasion, restriction DESIRED CHANGE: reduction in vancomycin and ceftazidime use | |
Outcomes | PRESCRIBING: Choice: vancomycin and ceftazidime use in units, antibiotic cost as a percentage of total drug cost | |
Notes | FINANCIAL SUPPORT: no information ADDITIONAL DATA: no response from authors to request for additional data |
Risk of bias | ||
Bias | Authors' judgement | Support for judgement |
Intervention independent (ITS) ? | Low risk | > 12 months' data pre‐ and postintervention, enough to account for seasonal change |
Analysed appropriately (ITS) ? | Low risk | Re‐analysed. Not done in original paper: comparison of means (uncontrolled before‐after). |
Shape of effect pre‐specified (ITS) ? | Low risk | Done, intended effect was decrease in primary outcome, and point of analysis was point of intervention. |
Unlikely to affect data collection (ITS) ? | Low risk | Done, data were from routine systems and unlikely to change over study period. |
Knowledge of the allocation adequately prevented(ITS)? | Low risk | Done, data were from routine systems and unlikely to change over study period. |
Incomplete outcome data addressed (ITS) ? | Low risk | Done, data were from routine systems and unlikely to change over study period. |
Free of selected reporting (ITS) ? | Low risk | Done, data were from routine systems and unlikely to change over study period. |
Free of other bias (ITS) ? | Low risk | No other apparent biases found. |