Methods |
Type of study: RCT Method of treatment allocation: random‐number table generated randomisation sequence by pharmacy. The pharmacy provided consecutive sealed envelopes. Stratification: none stated Placebo: yes, normal saline Sample size calculation: no Intention‐to‐treat analyses: no Losses to follow‐up: yes, 5 (7%) women delivered elsewhere and were lost to follow‐up (4 in treatment arm and 1 in control arm) Funding: Long Beach Memorial Foundation, USA |
Participants |
Location: Long Beach Memorial Women's Hospital, California, USA Timeframe: December 1984‐May 1990 Eligibility criteria: women likely to deliver between 24 h and 7 d with spontaneous preterm labour or planned preterm delivery Gestational age range: 24‐27 + 6 weeks Exclusion criteria: PROM, clinical or laboratory evidence of infection, contraindication to or previously given corticosteroids, diabetes Total recruited: 76 women and 82 infants; 37 women and 40 infants in the treatment arm and 39 women and 42 infants in the control arm |
Interventions |
2 doses of 6 mg betamethasone acetate and 6 mg betamethasone phosphate IM 24 h apart, repeated weekly if still < 28 weeks and thought likely to deliver within the next week Control group received 2 doses of placebo. Women undelivered after 28 weeks and 1 week post their last dose of study medication were allowed glucocorticoids at the discretion of their physicians. |
Outcomes |
Maternal outcomes (chorioamnionitis, endometritis), fetal/neonatal outcomes reported (fetal death, neonatal death, RDS, chronic lung disease, IVH, birthweight, Apgar < 7, need for mechanical ventilation/CPAP, duration of mechanical ventilation/CPAP, proven neonatal infection while in NICU) |
Notes |
It is not stated how many women received corticosteroids off protocol. |
Risk of bias |
Bias |
Authors' judgement |
Support for judgement |
Random sequence generation (selection bias) |
Low risk |
Random‐number table generated randomisation sequence by pharmacy |
Allocation concealment (selection bias) |
Unclear risk |
The pharmacy provided consecutive sealed envelopes, not stated if envelopes were opaque |
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) All outcomes |
Low risk |
It is likely that participants were blinded as placebo was used. Blinding of study personnel was not described other than "double‐blind" |
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) All outcomes |
Unclear risk |
Blinding of outcome assessors was not described. |
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) All outcomes |
Low risk |
5 (7%) women delivered elsewhere and were lost to follow‐up (4 in treatment arm and 1 in control arm). |
Selective reporting (reporting bias) |
Low risk |
Study protocol not available, but appears to report on all pre‐specified outcomes |
Other bias |
Unclear risk |
It is not stated how many women received corticosteroids off protocol. |